Call of Duty Gamers Kill a Man

Just a horrible story


  1. If you commit a felony like swatting someone and cause the death of a person it’s called felony murder and it’s not important whether or not you could foresee the injury.

  2. Giving these people the death sentence would probably raise the worlds IQ higher than the average rick and morty fan

  3. “You can hear the back acne in his voice” ?

  4. This makes me sad.

  5. Yeah I pushed him at the edge of a cliff but gravity pulled him down.

  6. Boy i sure love living in a country where I can get gunned down because you can call a swat team to someone’s house like a pizza, and in the heat of the moment with guns pointed at me and flashing lights in my face, I make a mistake trying to follow their orders.

  7. I hope these guys get murdered by the end of the year.

  8. The new COD looks great.

  9. The kids were playing too much Call of Duty. The cops were playing too much Rainbow Six: Siege

  10. Steve Southivorarat

    Shouldn’t they get the kid who hired the swautistic guy to make the call as well. Like it seems comparable to hiring a Hitman or something since he asked someone else to do something illegal.

  11. Tyler. Of course his name is Tyler.

  12. >i-it wasnt my fault! i didnt pull the trigger!
    enjoy your prison sentence faggot

  13. Commit murder
    Paid leave
    Really teaching them a lesson

  14. Stop bringing attention to the systemic problems in our country I want to ignore them until they shoot me for answering my door

  15. SWAT stands for special weapons and tactics, and boy those were some *SPECIAL* tactics.

  16. to anyone defending the SWAT they fucked up majorly in the call the guy says a one story building when it was a two story one no only that but there were plenty of weird things going on like the guy refusing to awnser some of the questions (because he didnt knew) or dodged the questions (again because he didnt knew how to awnser them)

    thats enough evidence to think the situation through in theory this is what they are trained for getting all the information together and making a threat assessment of the situation and dealing accordingly

    i mean they should have even asked the neighbors if they heard a gunshot just to get more information

    there clearly was enough information to properly handle the situation they just didnt.

  17. I’ve seen criminals take better care of civilians in Payday 2.

  18. I just feel terrible for the man killed and his family.. such a terrible fate, for nothing he did or had knowledge of 🙁

  19. “This is bandit country, shoot everything that moves.”

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