Bungie ViDoc – The Moon and Beyond

“We’re here to build something that lives.”

The development team at Bungie discusses Shadowkeep’s impending launch and beyond. In an evolving world, enjoy it for free with New Light and across any platform with Cross Save. Customize your Guardian in new ways with Armor 2.0, Seasonal Artifacts, and all new weapons.



  1. Me: sees D1 pvp maps returning

    *my iron is rising*

  2. Will we be able to hear our Guardian talk regularly again, thanks to Forsaken?

  3. 8:02 guess Snipers will be able to 1 shot supers again

  4. You can Change your name on google

    *”You **_and your friends_** …”* ight imma head out.

  5. 6:16 “What we wanted to provide with the Artifact, was an infinite power grind.”

    _trembles in Retail WoW_

  6. Less dresses please, more dusters for Warlocks.

  7. Bungie please implement a fully customizable sensitivity slider when you make the switch to steam, muscle memory for fps games is crucial!

  8. The Virtual Warlock

    Weapons that glow when nightmares are near? That’s it! This is Lord of the Rings now! Let’s kill Sauron!

  9. Ohh boy ohh boy here we go again

    Why do I feel like every video of bungie in recent time is just shiting on Activision xD

    • Activision deserves to be shit apon, and this coming from an OG vanilla wow player not this “new rendition of classic” who has played blizzards games for more than half his life. Activision is evil and it destroys everything it infests.

    • Activision had practically 0 design input into destiny 2. Bungie kept failing to meet time frames. That’s why they left. So they could have the freedom to take as long as they want. More power to them, but bungie is responsible for any shortcomings past and present. Keep in mind

    • @Dragon Roach Keep in mind Activision was the reason a player would spend so much money on the Destiny franchise. Ever since they left, they promised all of Destiny 2 will go ftw (except for Shadowkeep I think) and the switch to steam.

    • @Dragon Roach failing to meet time frames ?? What time frames did they fail to meet exactly?

    • @Dragon Roach Not allowing your team the time to do something is setting yourself up for failure.


  11. Vidoc: Shows what Shadowkeep has to offer.

    *Suicide rates drop to 0%*

  12. Shadows: We wanna play Fortnite..

    Eris: You’re all insufferable!!!

    • People like you: fOrTnItE bAd, OtHeR gAmE gOoD


      Stop with this shit

    • Mitch Connor the 3rd

      @Willie McCoy what a loser

    • Anyone:Boo hoo, Fortnite sucks now…WHYY
      Me: Save your torment for someone who gives a damn

    • @Mitch Connor the 3rd what am i a loser for?
      telling someone off for whining about a game no one really cares about but people still force it into a comparison just so they can get some free internet recognition?
      people who still whine about fortnite can go fuck themselves with a broom

    • @Mitch Connor the 3rd oh btw, i actually don’t play fortnite, but i can see that you just assume anyone who defends fortnite is a “loser”

  13. At 8:59 seems a part of omnigul strike

    That lava hive knight looks dope!

  14. Would want some type of theater mode so I can get cool cinematics of my guardian like in these vidocs 🙁

  15. @II/My Name is Non ExistentII E He is after forsaken then we kill him in the strike, I heard tho that in canon he is unkillable, still nightmares are of people we have fought not necessarily those we have killed

  16. The more I see them make and show us where they’re trying to take us, the more this feels like the game I’ve always wanted.

  17. 6:10 now that’s a fast firing scout. I miss my Suros DIS-47

  18. “Season 11 everything is gonna come together”

    S A V A T H U N

  19. According to Bungie the Nightmares are remnants of trauma from Guardians who visited the moon, not necessarily dead ones

  20. @Tim O’Hara So….are you saying we have PTSD? As guardians? Wow….

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