Anthem Abandons Its Roadmap Because Of Course It Does

Anthem was one of many “live service” games that promised a lavish “roadmap” to make up for the fact it was boring and unfinished. Some games fulfill those roadmaps, but Anthem hasn’t.

The act-based content feed for Anthem has officially been abandoned, and less dramatic “seasonal” updates will occur instead. BioWare “hears your concerns” if you’re an annoyed Anthem player, though.

Yet another reason to mistrust any company that promises years of support for their half-baked games. The “live service” bandwagon is total garbage.

#Anthem #BioWare #EA #JimSterling #IndustryBS


  1. I’ll never buy another Bioware game again in my life, even if they release something to critical acclaim they won’t get another penny from me ever.

  2. EGS also abandoned its roadmap. Turns out creating lots of features is expensive and hard.

  3. So how exactly is this not just false advertising? They promised they would continue supporting the game and people bought the game based on that promise right?

  4. You keep reminding me that game exists. I legit keep forgetting.

  5. Funny how EA still think they can milk people with this game in the future “if it gets good”.

  6. This “live service” trend is starting to look exactly like a rehash of the “WoW-killer” MMO gold rush

  7. When’s the bioware closure/dragon age cancellation announcement?

  8. The 50 people still playing Anthem are gonna be so dissapointed.

  9. “we’ll be supporting the game for years to come” = “you’re buying an unfinished game and maybe if it sells well we’ll finish it”

  10. Next thing you know, the roadmaps being replaced by “Surprise Content”

  11. *Do you remember Anthem!?*

    Hell yes, best way to start this, _Period_

  12. Lets not kid ourselves. We all KNEW this game would be left in the dust by EA.

  13. I sense a negligible disturbance in the force, as if three souls cried out in pain.

  14. *Let’s all laugh at an industry that never learns anything, tee hee hee!*

  15. Since they did not deliver on promises repeatedly made this may actually be illegal in the EU.

  16. Live services? more like a funeral service cause it’s not alive anymore.

  17. Live Service is a scam. I don’t play any live service games and I never will.

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