BONNIE AND CHICA ARE BACK! | Five Nights at Freddy’s 2 – Part 2

Bonnie and Chica are looking better than ever!

You are not ready for Freddy…


  1. brandon vanzandt

    Why’s his finger green

  2. I am slightly confused about your talk of “dread” being the most scary part of this franchise. I have just accepted this as a part of my life now. Ambiance never (or very rarely) affects me, I just have a whole thing with being sensitive to changes in sound/visuals, so jumpscares suck. Not just surprising changes, but also sudden ones.

    I’m also a fan of far too many horror games with sudden changes in sounds/visuals of jumpscares is their whole thing….. Send help. Please.

  3. elemental galaxial liam

    Am I the only person rewatching this for tips?

  4. Jaden ZombieSlayer

    Markplier WHERE’S BALLOON BOY!!!!!!!!!! 2:42

  5. BB scares Mark

  6. 0:69 was scary

  7. Lovell_Xii 🇺🇦

    Each time I watch this video, I get a hint of Nostalgia when I was in the 7th grade, at 12 years old. I am now a 12th grader getting ready to graduate highschool

  8. Luke Defeats Bosses

    Before phone guy was ded it was Fredbear and spring bonnie

  9. Luke Defeats Bosses

    Older models are in da house

  10. Luke Defeats Bosses

    It’s toy bonnie

  11. Luke Defeats Bosses

    There’s a balloon boi

  12. Luke Defeats Bosses

    Toy chica has her beak and eye’s out

  13. EnderJet ThepowerfulTomales

    Who else is watching this in 2022

  14. Mark: *says anything*


  15. Mark: Hey foxy where’s your bro at? <-meaning the "new" foxy aka mangle Mangle in his ceiling: Are you dumb I'm watching you from above 5:57

  16. 12:15

    Mark… I think you’re on the wrong side of the internet..

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