Battletoads – The Game That Wants To Be Every Game (Jimpressions)

Battletoads is a game with a very small attention span. One moment it’s a brawler, the next it’s a bullet hell shooter. When you finally get a handle on it, the thing becomes a rhythmic runner game.

Those hoping for a brawler will be disappointed. There’s plenty of combat, but Battletoads is never in a hurry to get to it. It’s too busy hurrying toward a dozen other shiny objects.

It’s fun though! A bloody mess, but weirdly fun.


  1. “Hi, do you have Battleto-” *dies*

  2. Well at least they made a game from Rare’s ips. Probably be at least 5 years for us to get another one.

  3. So it’s like the original NES game then, noted. One more like that I can think of was Vice: Project Doom. Had a few different genres in one as well.

  4. The NES game was the same way, every level offered different gameplay…most people don’t know that because they never got past the turbo bike level!

  5. You could say it was rather a ribbiting experience…
    I’ll see myself out!

  6. When I pressed play on this video, the ABSOLUTE LAST PULL I expected to hear was Mr Toad from the BBC’s “The Wind in the Willows” claymation series, singing and slapping me in the face with the salmon fish of nostalgia

  7. Remember when the battletoads arcade game had a contra level as the final level after nothing but beat em ups

  8. Games that have lots of different gameplay changes should be called Battletoads-like going forward.

  9. Look, I can’t speak for the new game, but Battletoads NES had a lot less beat-em-up then y’all seem to remember. Like there was a stage where you had to run away from some sort of warp hole on a unicycle, or a stage where you just platformed on snakes, let alone all the hover bike segments…

  10. To be fair, the original game was kind of a mish-mash of sometimes incongruous influences. The stupid snakes level where you had to memorize the pattern of the snakes to get through, the racing segments, the beat-em-up segments, not sure they all went together actually and many was the time that my brother and I would clear one or two different segments only to be beaten by the sudden change up in style and difficulty. If you put a game out now where the only way to get through was to repeat and memorize the outcomes then have to start the game all over to get another chance, well I doubt anyone would find that enjoyable, and rightly so perhaps.

  11. “Tonal whiplash” is such a good expression, Imma steal it.

  12. But the original game was like this… It had everything…and it ruled because of that

  13. remember when everyone and their mum was harassing gamestop employees about battletoads for years?

  14. “one of those games that I enjoy quite a bit and yet can’t blame anyone for hating it”
    Best way to view anything, really.

  15. *”It’s on the Xbox. Of course it deserves hate”* – Everyone in 2020

  16. it does the thing every battletoads game does: sucks you in with a decent brawler, then never returns to that thing until way later.

    I think I just like the idea of battletoads more than it’s actual execution.

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