You better Feed Your Cat… or else the Hungry Lamu is gonna show you why he’s called the Pizza Freak in this episode of 3 Scary Games!
GO! ►► https://open.spotify.com/episode/0kx7n9oS9KFrqerSUli67M?si=b1e72dbaf1d84561

Hungry Lamu ► https://kulurc.itch.io/hungry-lamu
The Pizza Freak ► SUSPENDED?!?
Feed Your Cat ► https://fr33z.itch.io/feed-your-cat

Horror Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/shurkofficial/haunted


  1. that skeleton scare in the pizza game was so sudden, unexpected and loud, it caused me to throw my drink i was drinking all over my desk. Thanks Developer very cool!

  2. Okay the jumpscare in the pizza one actually made me drop my phone

  3. This. Is. My. Caaaat…
    I. should. Probably. Feedit.


  5. so crazy that this happens just as i’ve started studying binary

  6. The Stealthy Bomber

    Rest in peace Mochi, Tasha, Ken, and Leon.

  7. Moar Nightmare of Decay pls

  8. Can you finish “growing my grandpa” and that other horror game?

  9. Damn Mark, you got me again after a long time with jumpscare this time.

  10. Oh god he found Hungry Lamu

  11. Why is it such a small screen I can’t see shit?

  12. “You better Feed Your Cat… or else the Hungry Lamu is gonna show you why he’s called the Pizza Freak in this episode of 3 Scary Games!” love the creativity.

  13. The scream I scrumpt at the second games jumpscare. An electric shock went through my whole body.

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