Activision Blizzard And Industry Abuse: Burn It All Down (The Jimquisition)

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Nothing fun or funny to say this week. Just anger and sadness over an industry that remains truly screwed up and rotten to the core. Activision, Ubisoft, Insomniac, “AAA” powerhouses and small indie outfits.

It’s rotten.


  1. You know its bad when the CoD community is criticizing activision/blizzard for sexism.

  2. Congrats on Activision Blizzard for having a body count now. Fucking horrific.

  3. “I don’t feel validated, I feel sick.”
    Fucking this.

  4. Thank you for being an outspoken ally to those in the industry who have faced this abuse. They may not have a platform to reach millions of people, but you do.

  5. You know it’s really bad when Dan at Nerdcubed does a dedicated, totally serious, get right to the point, call them out on their shit, news show without a single joke in it. Good for him and he did it before James Stephanie (that’s not a dig, it’s just timing).
    Thank the gods for them.

  6. Its worth mentioning that Kotick’s name appeared on Epstein’s list.

  7. Magnus Bergström

    Feudalism never went away, it got a haircut, put on a suit and goes by the name “Corporations” now.

  8. Phil From The Abyss

    I know you’re saying otherwise, but seriously, Jim Stephanie: Your videos covering these kinds of issues, they’re helping a lot already.
    They might be literally bringing tears to my eyes, but they are important.
    Thank god for you!

  9. There’s an even larger point looming in the background here because I feel this toxic work culture isn’t limited to only the gaming industry or exclusive to just a handful of devs or publishers. It’s basically what happens almost everywhere in late-stage capitalism, in pretty much every industry with rather few exceptions.

  10. The Christmas Ham

    I know they’ve been having a rough time with less views and losing subscribers but if Steph’s reading this: Thank you for radicalizing and covering this with honesty. Thank you for raising your voice amid the apathy. Thank you for having integrity, it’s been an inspiration.

  11. This was a long time coming, comrade.

  12. Ah, guillotines. So that’s why they closed Blizzard Versailles.

  13. CommanderDarjeeling

    Banging the drum is sometimes enough. You keep it there in the public consciousness and remind people it is there. That way, these people can come forward and tell their stories aware people are aware it is going on.

  14. The “thumbs down” on these kind of videos will always be astonishing to me.

  15. Imagine sitting down and actually trying to defend these disgusting evil corporations like they’re some kind of personal friend. I’ve seen way too many of those types of people on places like twitter that it’s genuinely nauseating.

  16. “you cannot fix rot. You can only cut it out” Yes, this. So much this. Get these abusive monsters out. ugh

  17. Despite this being 2 years in the making, of which you can bet Activision were aware of the investigation, they STILL voted to give Kotick his bonus. They just don”t give a fuck. Never let this go Ms Sterling!

  18. I feel this way about the entire capitalist economy.

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