Totino’s Teams With Assassin’s Creed Odyssey To Flog Exclusive DLC & Pizza Rolls

Can we call the kind of content gated off by Totino’s purchases “Pizzawalled”?

In any case, if you want the exclusive Ram Axe, you need to buy a specific pack of Pizza Rolls specifically at Walmart. Because No amount of cash, and no amount of debasement, is enough for Ubisoft.

Oh, and there’s an Assassin’s Creed Amazon Echo too.

Thanks to Christopher for sending this in!


  1. A deal so hot, it’ll give the roof of your mouth third-degree burns.

  2. P I Z Z A T I M E

  3. Pizza roooolllls

  4. email me if you want a pizza roll

  5. Do those dumbasses honestly believe that every single assassins Creed player lives in the US or something?

  6. There's a starman waiting in the sky

    Mr Plinkett is pleased.

  7. They should get Mr. Plinkett to advertise this.

  8. At this point totino’s should introduce totino’s pizzaroll lootboxes. Which will have a small chance of containing the pizzarolls you want !

  9. Ah yes, that traditional Greek dish, the humble pizza roll.

  10. What about other countries without that stuff?

  11. Would anybody like a pizza roll? Email me if you want a pizza roll. Post a comment on this Webzone if you would like me to send you a pizza roll in the mail.

  12. Assassin’s Creed Ultimate Digital Platinum Pizza Edition

  13. It all started with that cursed Sonic anniversary party…

  14. Hey Devolver Digital, when are we getting a Sausage Roll cross-promotion for Gential Jousting?

  15. There will also be advertisement blimps in the background of the cut-scenes with “BUY TOTINO’S” on them. Just like the blimps the Greeks had back in the day.

  16. I have no motivation whatsoever to pay full price for the standard edition of a Ubisoft game specifically because I know I’m not getting the full product. I simply can’t feel good about that purchase knowing that it’s an inferior version of the game. Paying more than $60 up front on any game is simply out of the question for me. I’m not made of money and Ubisoft games just aren’t good enough to deserve it.

  17. I can only imagine Mr. Plinkett dominating in this game after the first day.

  18. In some ways I’m glad I never got invested in AC at all because I can imagine as a fan, this would drive someone into the deepest, darkest states of sheer madness.

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