Monster Hunter: World – Devil May Cry Collaboration

JACKPOT! Hunt monsters in SSStyle with Dante’s classic getup in Monster Hunter: World.
Dante, the Son of Sparda, lends his classic coat and two of his favorite swords to the bravest hunters of the New World!

Later this year, you’ll get to fight hellish foes in Monster Hunter: World to earn this devious combination of the Force Edge and Alastor, from the Devil May Cry series.



  1. *Hunting a Rathalos for what feels like hours only for Beetlejuice to divebomb in and fuck it up royally for everyone.* This party’s getting crazy! Lets rock!*Dies 3 times in a row immediately.*

  2. Dante must dine

  3. Kratos skin plese

  4. Wow, dmc1 Dante is actually the best fit for this system. Considering Dante mostly did nothing but fight giant beasts as bosses consistently in dmc1, to the moves with raw force behind it like dmc1 combat had that perfectly matches the charge blade moveset which mixes royal guard and ifrit, the absolute design of it all fits far too perfectly. Thank you capcom, rather thank you mh team.

  5. Why is Monster Hunter’s developers and marketing team so much better than the fighting game teams? This is great. Really hope Capcom could up the quality of the fighting game teams. Can you imagine how mad people would have been if they used Marvel Infinite Dante?

  6. Never heard of this game but since Dante is in it I might as well buy it

  7. CAPCOM really wants to make us remember the OG Dante so they’re keeping him trademarked. Also with all these CAPCOM GamesxDMC I guess they are trying signal Devil May Cry 5 to be confirmed soon or definitely at E3 2018. CAPCOM don’t disappoint us now… Its been almost literally over 10 years since we have seen a return of our badass, trash-talking, devil hunter. And its been 13 years since we’ve seen his cold, fearless, power-seeking demon slayer brother Vergil. You know we want them back.

  8. *furiously learns how to play charge blade*

  9. Where that berserk collab doe?

  10. Bayonetta please

  11. God damn it Monhun. I’m trying to also play Kingdom Come but you keep pulling me back in. Seriously though, MHW is fucking great and I am hyped about the DMC collab. So glad it’s the real Dante too.

  12. The Video Game Show

    That’s how you do a Collaboration.

  13. Am I the only one that wants to see Onimusha as DLC?

  14. This is cool and all but… when is deviljho coming ?

  15. “Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry”

  16. Aloy, Mega Man, Ryu, Sakura and now Dante. At the rate that we go, only Noctis is missing.

  17. please Capcom give us a Dragon’s Dogma Online western release

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