Metal Gear Dies

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Tactical Stick Action.
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  1. Everybody loves zombies dude!

    Eight fucking years ago…

    Damn that was fucking funny


  3. Metal Gear- Asthma Simulator

  4. Ok, I’ll be honest, this is the only exposure I have had to this game (because I knew this game was gonna suck), but from what I saw of this game and what Dunkey was saying… And feel free to correct me on this….

    …This isn’t an early access game, right? It serious looks like one of those early access games which is about basic survival, and… not much else. Bad combat (because they took a stealth/shooter and turned it into a melee game), unimaginative enemies, constant obsession with crafting, and worrying about food and water and stamina? It seriously seems like one of the quadrillion survival games that exist on Steam….

  5. Konami are the worst guys ever made.

  6. Reminder that it should be illegal to have running drain stamina in a game where your sole method of transportation is running

  7. Finally someone else who hates it besides me and Jim sterling. I can’t believe people defend this crap by saying, “it’s not supposed to be a metal gear game”. Heck even Rising is more of an actual metal gear game that this. Survive feels uninspired.

  8. To be fair, I actually want that adult Mario game on Virtual Boy. At least it’d be better than Metal Gear Scam.

  9. Lol. He didn’t even make any jokes, he just said the game was bad over and over again. Somehow it was even funnier. Masta piece.

  10. Press F to pay respects

  11. “Not a Hideo Kojima game”

  12. When dunkey puts his real name at the end of the video, you know the game is seriously fucked up.

  13. It’s funny how the MSF soldiers trying to survive without Big Boss’ leadership can be seen as a allegory for Konami trying to continue the Metal Gear series without Hideo Kojima’s involvement.

  14. Metal Gear doesn’t Survive

  15. Don’t forget about the ‘Pay 10 bucks for another save slot’ business.

  16. *Laughs in 10$ save slot*

  17. *P A Y A T T E N T I O N T O Y O U R S T A M I N A*

  18. “We really want to make a game that teaches you the basics of CQC”
    *poke people that don’t have a stick with a stick for the entire game*
    “Bravo lads, we’ve done it again!”

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