TSM vs. FOX – Week 6 Day 1 | NA LCS Spring Split | TSM vs. Echo Fox (2018)

VOD of TSM vs. Echo Fox
NA LCS Spring Split Week 6 2018 #NALCS

TSM Lineup:
Hauntzer – Top Camille
MikeYeung – Jungle Kha’Zix
Bjergsen – Mid Galio
Zven – ADC Ezreal
Mithy – Support Braum

Echo Fox Lineup:
Huni – Top Vladimir
Dardoch – Jungle Sejuani
Fenix – Mid Fiora
Altec – ADC Kalista
Adrian – Support Zilean

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  1. that fiora pick definitely lost them the game so troll!

  2. Lets go TSM hopefully they can take their momentum to tomorrow and take a 2-0!

  3. Just ban the Galio if you letting them play champs like Cam.

  4. Echo Fox lost this one in the draft

  5. Poor Huni…win lane, lose game lol

  6. Ban galio. Noob champ.

  7. why no highlight video??????

  8. fenix and adrian show their real level. goosh this coach should give in resignation letter after this game.

  9. bjerg still a monster

  10. at least TSM can’t fail at worlds this year because they won’t make it there 🙂

  11. TSM forced Zilean to ult himself so many times, negating the zilean pick, wp.

  12. Bjerg 1v9’d

  13. Whats with people being mad about this draft? zil and fiora are both good picks and tsms comp they just didnt play it out well

  14. bjergsen 100% kill participation xD

  15. Where y’all posting FREESM now huh?

  16. TSM is 4-1 on blue side now, 1-5 on red.

  17. Man mike slipped a few times there especially that mid game baron fight. how ran the wrong way and then didnt jump over the wall?

  18. I like how the casters only attributes the loss to Echo Fox’s draft.. they never once mentions how well TSM played. It seems that the casters basic narrative is that TSM is a bad team and therefore they are incapable of playing well. I would have liked the breakdown to have been more objective

  19. That echo fox draft was horrible zil has no synergy with Kalista… then with him constantly ulting himself negated the pick entirely. Fenix couldn’t perform on Fiora.. Huni and Dardoch really tried but team was too heavy…

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