Galio Champion Spotlight | Gameplay – League of Legends

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Welcome to the Galio Champion Spotlight.

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  1. I bet he counters Camille.
    Rock beats scissors, yeah? 😀

  2. Olg galio is very good champ. R.I.P

  3. Riot set out to rework interesting characters with an intertwining backstory into plumb, two-dimensional characters, beloved by the heavily underaged masses.

  4. “Big scary looking dudes, and also ezreal” ok lol ezreal confirmed to be gay

  5. you know who really needs a rework?, Ryze

  6. Feels more like a new champion than a rework. really none of the elements are gameplay are remotely the same besides a taunt… gonna miss old galio

    mainly just salty they changed his ult instead of working around it. Pulling off his ult is one of the most audio-visually satisfying things in League honestly

  7. This is not galio, why would you remove him and put this in his place? why not just add this character? i really dont understand why you delete peoples champions and expect no one to care, there WAS galio mains you know.

  8. To be honest it feels more like a Malphite rework than a Galio rework…
    He has the Malp ult knockup (except longer range and to allies) the shield after not being on combat (except its a magic shield).
    Cant help but feel like the old galio kit with a gap closer would have been better for a galio rework.

  9. twitch: report galio no help gg wp afk

  10. Thats why i like Dota so much.
    So good paladins in this game.
    I wish we sometimes can play Luke from Harry Potter, this would be nice in a Star Trek game 🙂
    Long Story short: “You shall not pass” – Shepard 2017

  11. Interesting rework, maybe now I’ll play him a little. Good job

  12. New Galio looks awesome, but I was really hoping they would make him a tank that screws over magic users as a whole. He just has a magic shield and scales with AP, which is similar to his last iteration.

    Malphite builds armor and has an attack speed slow totally screwing auto attackers.
    Rammus builds armor and reflects physical damage back at the user.
    Taric builds armor and provides an armor shield to all of his allies.

  13. he isnt scary but MY NAME IS !! ESPECIALY IN A RANK GAME

  14. …anyone else feel like he’s actually pretty bad?

    Poor mobility, meh damage, just tanky.

  15. Gabriel Villegas-Diedrich

    Another dumbass tank who does as much damage as a fighter, fuck you Rito.

  16. so when it’s available ? if I buy galio he will be replaced with this ?

  17. Sandraudiga Váli

    justice punch? fuck me that’s a corny name

  18. THANK FUCK. His old ultimate was just cancer. Idc what you all say

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