Yakuza 0 (dunkview)

Some spoilers kind of.


  1. This game is a fking blast. Even if the story might not be your taste the over-the-top bombastic gameplay really makes this a unique title & a fun title at that. Does what a game should do and that is deliver 100% fun.

  2. I bought the game just to own that chicken.

  3. You can win a chicken who can become your manger? now that’s where i draw the line, come on Michael Jackson we are out of here

  4. I hate Dunkey cuz he’s asian.

  5. how the fuck is makoto’s story a sub-plot

    did you beat the game nigga?

  6. 4/5 is reserved for such classics as Final Fantasy VII, Ocarina of Time, and Banjo-Kazooie.

    5/5 is reserved for Super Mario Bros. 2.

  7. They finally did it. They finally made a better Karaoke game than _Sleeping Dogs_

  8. I can’t find it anywhere. For the love of god, please someone give me the music at the end. I need help.

  9. Wow they finally made another Cowboy Bebop game

  10. Kim Jong The Choo Choo Train of Bel-Air

    Do a Dunkview for pizza hut.

  11. TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit

    Best Worst Best Game.

  12. I really want Halo 5: Recap Reloaded Revived Renewed

  13. Jojo’s bizarre adventure: *SlamDunk(ey) Yakuza Gospel*

  14. this game’s story is very memorable though 🙁

  15. the yakuza series is japans answer to americas grand theft auto series

  16. So Sony promotes the Switch?

  17. “Yakuza has an incredible ability to betray its own serious tone with ridiculous, bombastic spectacle.”
    *Well, I’m a Metal Gear fan, so I’ll be right at home*

  18. what happened to the top quality charcoal dunkey ?

  19. But can I play it on the Grush?

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