XP Boosters Are Some Sinister Bullshit (The Jimquisition)

Boosters are a common form of microtransaction across the videogame landscape. XP Boosters are easily the most common, but currency boosters and other forms progress speeders are out there as well.

They’re pretty insidious, as we can easily see with Resident Evil: Resistance, Call of Duty, and the hundreds of other games using them.

Aside from the usual manipulation involved with microtransactions, boosters exert a level of control that keeps players hooked to a game so they can maximize their investments.

And screw loot boxes being in a Resident Evil game, by the way.


  1. My XP Prices have doubled since the last time we met, Count.

  2. screw the rules I have green hair

    Jim blowing in mysterio’s bum. That’s what’s the quarantine does to people.

  3. This show is so weird without the studio audience.

  4. They’re not XP Boosters

    they’re Friendly Corporate Assistance

  5. Few people in the comments having a genuine go at me ‘cos of Warframe and me liking it years ago. *Years* ago, I must stress.

    Yes Warframe has monetization techniques that, in the years since, I’ve become more disapproving of as their implications became clear. There you go.

  6. “I’m four levels ahead of you.”

  7. Remember before when you used to be able to cheat for free? Codemasters was the first to do this when it introduced paying for cheats in LMA manager

  8. The Show has peaked, Jim Eating out mysterios bum is a level of quality that can never be mached again.. oh and boosters suck and what have you!

  9. Дмитрий Грязнов

    I live in Russia, and the jokes I occasionally hear about the country turning into a large City 17 have been complimented with occasional Overwatch-sounding announcements asking citizens to stay home whenever possible.
    The analogy is spoiled by church figures riding/flying around dispatching anti-virus prayers, pulling this from HL2 to Warhammer 40k territory.
    And now I open YouTube to see Jim cosplaying as Baron Saturday. Last bastion of normality… gone.

    EDIT: On second thought, I should have totally expected Jim to mirror outside happenings with some stunt. So… thank God for Jim and the way he stays normal by staying crazy!

  10. To me the presence of XP Boosters means that the devs admit their gameplay is awful and boring beyond belief and i should stay as far away from the game as i possibly can.

  11. I’m old enough to remember when boosters were relegated to codes on cases of Mountain Dew… last year or so.

  12. If xp booster is a “time-saver”, then that means that developers had to put “time-waster” in the game for some reason….

  13. Seeing Jim in his natural, no makeup state really makes it clear why he likes seeing the skellingtons in games so much.

  14. WolfenOwlCelestial

    “The first hit is always free.” They really do use drug dealing techniques. Some dealers of harder drugs will give out free samples to hook a new customer base..
    We let this happen. I’ve seen it heading down this path for a very long time but I didn’t think it would be allowed to go on for this long.

  15. Drakkenmensch Silverflare

    AAA gaming: We can sell you ways of playing the game for less time!
    me: I can already not play your games for free

  16. Can’t believe Jim’s out here having hot sex with Mysterio and I’m stuck at home playing Animal Crossing. World’s gone mad.

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