The Problems With The Epic Store (The Jimquisition)

So, let’s talk about the Epic Store. Controversial, hated, and rich enough to power through its ongoing controversies. For now, at least.

Epic’s dive into PC game distribution has earned it the ire of many, and while it offers a better deal for developers than Steam, it’s got to seriously address its end-user problems if it wants lasting success.


  1. From “PC Gaming is Dead” to “PC Gaming is Master Console”…and now “PC Gaming has Exclusives”. That’s a hell of a *character arc* for PC Gaming, I’ll give it that.

  2. I’ve heard of unfinished games but unfinished stores ?
    ? Ea would be proud

  3. It’s so ironic that the AAA industry loves to push “games as a service” but aren’t able to actually provide good services…

  4. ” Most people would consider crowdfunding a kind of pre-order. Now, we could do an entire episode on that perception”—– YES JIM, PLEASE DO MAKE THAT EPISODE

  5. I don’t care about the unfinished store.
    I don’t care about the exclusives.
    But I do care about security and privacy !!!!!

    I was about to create an account for the Epic store, then it said I already had one on my email address… weird. Tried a few of my usual passwords in case they used an old epic account or something i don’t remember, nothing works. Then when i did a password reset and finally accessed the account, I found out “my” account was created by some guy named “Ican Icanaw” from Thailand… What the hell??? I checked my emails, never received an email previously from Epic, ever.

    After a quick google search, apparently the exact same thing happened to hundreds of people. So NOPE, not putting my credit card info or anything on there.

  6. The Empire, Long divided, must unite.
    The Empire, Long united, must divide.

  7. I won’t be buying Epic either because they don’t support Linux. Valve supports Linux and not just by facilitating sales, they commit money and development resources to improving the Linux gaming experience for everyone, including Epic. That buys some loyalty despite how shitty Valve can be at times.

  8. I can wait a year for a single player game.

    I have an account but if there is a GOG version I will drop all of them in a heartbeat.

  9. Competition is always welcome Jim.
    But my case is this, I’m not from the US, and steam gives the chance of paying games at a more proper value and the money from my country. Also steam sales are pretty good.
    Epic doesnt give that, and because of the fucking economy where I live, if I pay in dollars, I pay 3 to 6 times what you pay in the states.
    I can afford games for myself, but I wont pay such inflated prices because of epic.
    So for now I stay with steam.
    And thank God for you Jim??

  10. And they Datamine steam profiles without permission.

  11. you forgot to mention how the epic games launcher invades users privacy and reads users files and internet connections

  12. Good breakdown Jim, sadly you didn’t analize the strange Terms and Conditions of the Epic Store

  13. I love the prices for my country in epic store. Example Watch Dogs 2 was on sale on steam for 10 USD(around 60USD normal price) while on epic store it cost 80 USD.

  14. I don’t take decisions lightly but Epic made this decision very very easy for me. I don’t like being manipulated and I won’t be. I will buy any game on any platform other than Epic’s. Offer a better service and convince me but don’t try and strongarm me and for damn sure don’t pull the rug out from under me after a game has been advertised on other platforms first.

    Nah, I’ll wait and EA is an example of how I won’t be pushed around by any corporation, I haven’t bought anything from them since Mass Effect 2 and I won’t until they get their act together and stop screwing consumers and developers over.

    Also just a little nugget for everyone who says “oh but Steam takes 30% and Epic takes 12%” I counted approximately 59 games on the Epic site and not all of them are even released. So that’s not all that much to maintain and their costs aren’t all that much yet. Steam published 7,672 games in 2017 alone and in that year half of the revenue for the company came from only 100 titles. Chew on that a bit, that 30% cut isn’t sounding quite so heavy-handed now, is it?

    Steam isn’t perfect by any means but it’s not really greedy, it has to maintain over 27,662 games. I’d say the overhead is likely far more than Epic’s whopping 59. We have also had competition for Steam for some time now, Origin, GoG, Greenman, Ubistore. It’s just none of them tried this crap.

    Sweeny is acting like he’s some kind of advocate for us, he’s not, he’s a classic corporate operator. He doesn’t care at all about the consumer only his paycheck and bonuses.

  15. “You can have a baby before Epic has a shopping cart”

    Challenge accepted, Jim. Challenge accepted.

  16. Looking forward to downloading my Outer Worlds launcher…wait, it does something else? I hadn’t noticed.

    Also thanks for the Fortnite Monopoly plug. I saw it in the store and was like….what?….really?

  17. Looks like we’re probably going to go back to the OG launcher.


  18. Jackmerius Tacktheritrix

    Me: You were meant to bring balance to PC gaming! Not leave it in darkness..


  19. Get your Games from GOG, save the Clients on mobile drives and give always-online-DRM Platforms the middle finger.

    >footage of *console* version

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