The Game Awards Will Never Do Better (The Jimquisition)


Another year, another broadcast of The Game Advertisements. The cycle continues. Things don’t change. A Hideo Kojima game.

#TheGameAwards #Controversy #Politics #Jimquisition #JimSterling #StephanieSterling #Games #Gaming #Videogames


  1. I’ve JUST realized! You’re like the fem game journalist version of Alan Moore, forever stuck in a medium you hate due to it’s horrible practices, greed, bigotry, and self congratulatory wank slowly all consuming the actual medium of fun and art you initially enjoyed, and it’s treatment of you as a part of it, being a catalyst for evermore disgust with the medium and “industry” as a whole, and yet, due to your niche, never managing to escape the gravitational pull of discussion of the thing that slowly ruined itself and hurt you, and many others, as part of it. especially as a canary in the coal mine bringing up issues that weren’t discussed much in the main stream until much later.

  2. Kojima’s ego must be bigger than the budget for Death Stranding.

  3. That Kissinger-Song needs to be a standalone video somewhere!

  4. Herny Pissinger is my new favorite song

  5. I need that parody song on repeat in my phone DAYS AGO

  6. I feel like this year is especially poignant. This was the year that saw massive layoffs and really hammered the narrative, more than any other year, that the worker is nothing but a meatbag puppet deigned to serve its master, making sure the almighty line goes up. And so we have the “Game Awards”. An institution that tries to put on the face that it’s all about the developers, the makers, the workers, who made these games. It’s all about you… but all the same shut up, the powers that be have no interest in hearing you speak, we have advertisements to show. To say nothing that hasn’t already been said about the blatant nepotism at play. Rush off the developers of the GAME OF THE YEAR WINNER who are trying to dedicate the award to their fellow dev who passed away, we need Kojima to talk for 10+ minutes about literally nothing.

    Yeah, that’s why I think this year hits a bit harder and different, even though it is exactly the same stupid event it is year after year. The status quo is broken, and all the “Game Awards” do is seek to maintain the status quo.

  7. Perhaps the best Game Advertisements video you’ve made yet!

  8. This is my only source of the “game awards” garbage, and only because I enjoy watching ms Sterling’s videos. I couldn’t care less about that pointless marketing dumpster.

  9. @I.____.....__...__

    A “wrap it up” notice during an acceptance-speech is absurd. The correct solution is to have a COUNTDOWN. That way it’s not only not offensive and condescending, it’s also USEFUL becasue the person knows how much time they have and can adjust accordingly. Duh. 😒

  10. Is the Kissinger song available for download? Or at least in Spotify?

  11. I’d be okay if the game awards tanked like E3. It’s about time.

  12. Make life easier and stop making babies. Really. Who needs them? Only idiots have children and become slaves for eighteen years.

  13. If you think bringing up Palestine at the game awards is needed or necessary. You are everything wrong with the world. You are pandering, and people hate it. Activision got trashed at game awards. People who were getting treated poorly they fired those people. If you live as a victim, you will always be a victim, and that is all your channel spreads. Pandering, victim, and hate companies.

  14. The only reason I watched them live this year is because Arlo was streaming them. I like Arlo, so it was a good excuse to clown on the new industry bullshit behind the occasional Arlo commentary.

  15. @GundamAngelicDevil

    The Game Awards Show, where games get awards then gtfo.


  17. I agree. It’s perfectly valid to be angry and disappointed with the VGAs. But after 10 years, you gotta realize things aren’t gonna change.

    There’s still shows like DICE, BAFTA and SXSW that do a much better job at focusing on the development teams.

  18. I have a conspiracy that the showrunners made the winners get off stage THAT quickly to prevent the speakers from going off script and talking about Gaza. There were petitions by attendees to get Keighley to allow it.

  19. @vandalfinnicus1507

    So many times almost unsubbed, because JimSteph is as clueless, as the righties, but they’s as funny as the righties, so still around.

  20. The number of Spider-Man fans RAGING about GOTY is really damning for the entire medium

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