The A.I. Tech Fad Is Just Compulsively Shady (The Jimquisition)

The shameless race to the bottom with so-called Artificial Intelligence is only just getting started, and I have to thank to the fad’s biggest advocates for being so inherently shady that arguing against them is practically Easy Mode.

Let’s talk about shady behavior, SAG-AFTRA, Mario, and why A.I. continues to be trouble.

#AI #artificialintelligence #Media #Mario #Tech #Techbros #Jimquisition #JimSterling #StephanieSterling #Games #Gaming #Videogames


  1. I understand that the voice actors for Bethesda games like Skyrim have asked the modding community to not use their AI generated voices for the various sex mods available.

  2. The way AI bugs me these days is right here on YouTube. I watch a lot of (ugh) _”tRuE cRiMe,”_ and rn there is an epidemic of shitty AI-generated video thumbnails with disconcertingly bizarre titles and that absolutely 👏 *ever* 👏 *fucking* 👏 *present* redarrow.png

  3. Pretty much you can sum up anything that is being called “AI” right now as the exact same garbage of things they just last week called “smart devices”.

  4. 2:10 Tastes like BPA

  5. I motion that we stop refering to it as AI and instead call it what it is – Generative Algorithmic Content. So whenever anyone does call it AI, you can just go “Oh, you mean GAC?”

  6. People thinking NFT idiots went out and invented generative AI in the few months between the failure of NFTs and the rise of AI is probably one of the most ridiculous conspiracy theories I’ve ever seen on the internet, and I’m including flat Earth.

  7. As someone who has a bit of history in Computer Science & philosophy, let me just drop one painful reality everyone needs to accept: AI doesn’t need to be good; just good enough. So long as it can get close enough, often enough, it WILL go forward.

  8. @guillepankeke2844

    Thank god for Jim Stephanie. It is pretty great to have a reliable youtuber mention IA. It is bs, and it has been called so for a while. I guess that big corpo are meant to go broke, so it is always a pain in the *ss when they do their shenanigans but dodge the bullet by being to big a corporation.

  9. “MMM-pfft!” That was hilarious to me.😆

  10. AI must aid, not replace.

  11. Stephanie is absolutely right in pointing out if someone is selling you on how great something is, it is probably snake oil. This AI sell is compared to the NFT sell, but I only had memories of Ajit Pai putting together a horrible youtube video to convince me that removal of net neutrality is a good thing. 🤮

  12. This video about generative AI has way too many hands with 5 fingers.

  13. @aliothspectranet5678

    as all things, AI is a tool – majority in power is always going to twist all and every tool into cheap shit to get a cheap buck at the cost of the enjoyment of our daily lives.

  14. beware of doug

  15. Techno-Optimism, namely Effective Accelerationism, is currently the single most dangerous ideology on the planet. The idea tehcnology will solve everything and should be put out faster and fast regardless of disruption (if anything, to cause disruption, so their cure could be sold to the people sick by the river they pooisoned) refuse the basic material facts that not everything is exponentially eacceleratable, like ethics, or educations…. or human biology . Adapting will be coarse, if not impossible. A lot of chaos will come

  16. 3D Tv keeps happening, and that’s the weirdest part to me. Like remember in the late early 2010’s when 3D was everywhere again? Every movie, every tv as a feature, but it was all clearly still bad, nowhere near good enough to be ubiquitous? Techvangilists keep wheeling out alphas like they’re the finished product, and I find that incredibly odd

    I know Dan Olson has talked about this before. In the metaverse video he says everything is treated as a proof of concept (like the Mario THING here) and it’s not about what the tech currently IS, but what it WILL be, so therefor everything it IS can be ignored because it WILL be this other thing they hope for, even though there’s no evidence to support their thesis

    I know all this from a logical stand point, but it’s just really, really weird to see the same exact (group of) people fail to learn from history and repeat it over and over and over again

  17. @nightshadesfunkyvids3812

    I don’t think I can ever see you the same way now I know you’re a 1998 Godzilla pinball table owner.

  18. AI/NFT/Crypto Bros are less than human and I cannot be convinced otherwise.

  19. You are right that there are wider problems, and people dont want to engage with ai because of it. But you also cannot expect the problems to iron themselves out without engaging with it. AI wil NEVER replace artists and idiots quaking in their orthopedic shoes over over that fear are being just as unreasonable and unhelpful as techbros who ignore the problems are. There are legitamate uses for generative AI that would be simply impossible to do with real people, games like Suck Up would not be possible, or that one detective game where you are investigating a crime scene and literally have to ask witnesses questions to solve the crime, would not be possible without generative text or voices (because VA’s no matter how skilled cannot voice act a character with infinite dialogue)

  20. I don’t think it’s helpful to describe generative AI as a fad, presuming it will go away if you just ignore it for long enough.

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