Tales of Runeterra: Noxus | “After Victory”

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Darius and his victorious warhosts demand that the king of Urtis surrender his throne, offering every citizen—from the highest noble to the lowliest servant—a place in the Noxian empire.

Darius, the Hand of Noxus
Captain Farron
Trifarian Glory-Hunter

Play Darius and the Trifarian Legion in Legends of Runeterra: https://playruneterra.com/en-us/
Learn more about the culture, people, and places of Noxus: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/region/noxus/
Discover the world of Runeterra: https://map.leagueoflegends.com/en_US


  1. Youssef Elshabasy

    Blizzard is gonna be shook if a leauge MMO is made, Riot just needs to pull the trigger

  2. I’ve said it every other Animation, I’ll say it again:

  3. Demacia: We are the good guys!
    Noxus: Well yes, but actually no.

  4. i never realized how much of an absolute unit captain farron was

  5. I hope after this video people get to realise just how insanely strong Darius is, throwing a roughly 30-40 kg axe like its a dagger lol

    • @Snow Fox So why he has mana?

    • Yordles and to a lesser extent vastayas are beings of magic. Even if you argue vastayas, yordles are magical.

    • this is why a fed darius can 1v5 in game lol they kept him accurate to the story

    • @Heavente I wouldn’t count all of those people. Darius is essentially just a regular man with a lot of training. That fits champs like Talon, Kat, Ekko, Vi, Caitlyn and Garen. That doesn’t fit champs like Shyvanna (Half dragon powers would still put you above a regular person, dragons are still powerful), Kai’sa (void suit gives her abilities), kha’zix (are you saying a being of the void is basically just a person?), Sion (being a raging undead revenant has its perks), and maybe Urgot.

      Then of course you have things like the argument of how much hex tech abilities count, because magi tech is a bit different than training, arguably crossing out some of those champs further. Yordles are inherently magic but how much they rely on that seems to vary between them.

    • @Your guy Khonshu does adcs have unlimited bullets count as magical tho?

  6. 2:20 “Darius Q spell has been reworked once again, he can now charge it to throw it like pantheon’s Q”
    apparently it’s a finishing move

  7. Dear team of League of legends,



  8. Darius is a monster at full stacks , had a triple under enemy tower.

  9. Unamazing Spiderman

    Darius urging me to fight while looking at me with his eyes full of compassion?


  10. Darius: Noxus wants you to be reborn, so you can be reforged, in a glory shared by all.

    Draven: haha axe go spin brrrr

  11. Honestly now, where’s the Netflix show, Rito! This would be SO lit.

    • @Sebastian Rivera but it isnt a stand alone studio xd

    • しらいしく【CleanClouds】

      @Shaoxuan Zhang Not 100%, it wouldn’t be riot otherwise.

    • @Shaoxuan Zhang Tencent don’t own riot games 100%, otherwise they won’t grand them crative freedom (new games, comics, lore stories etc.) and will just force oppresive microtansactions like in all the chinieese MMO’s.

    • I hope they either tease it or release something alongisde tomorrow’s P&Z Tales of Runeterra

  12. everyone after seing this: y’know Noxians aren’t that bad

    Ionians: *”are we a joke to you?”*

  13. Darius: “May I offer you an egg in these trying times?”

  14. “Noxians are the bad guys!”

    Riot: “Yes, but also no.”

  15. ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻

    Darius: throws his axe

    Draven:”Wait, that’s illegal”

  16. Jacqueline The Insane

    Everyone’s talking about how Darius threw his Axe.
    Nobody’s talking about how Darius held back Farron (I’m assuming that’s who that way), in recognition and respect of this young slave-girl’s bravery to attack such a large warrior in defense of her king’s crown, and then the pure disgust in his eyes as the king mistreated her immediately.

  17. All these years of being kited as Darius only to find out that *HE CAN JUST THROW HIS AXE?*

  18. Imagine being told that you would be one of the two people that would have to carry a full cauldron of molten metals up a mountain

  19. Default Darius: “Noxus wants you to stand…..”

    God King Darius: “STAND AND DIE”

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