Switch Online Makes Nintendo Look Weak (The Jimquisition)

Nintendo finally revealed its Switch Online plans and… they’re not great.

Worse than that, they make Nintendo look as clueless and weird as ever.


  1. Nintendo got me *_WEAK_* ? ?

  2. Nintendo has long been awful on the customer side, look no further than the closure of Miiverse not even one whole year after Breath of the Wild.
    A huge problem is Nintendo’s fans who more than anyone else, defend terrible choices.

  3. Together we’ll brake these chains of console subscription services.

  4. Xbox cloud saves are free, you don’t need a Gold subscription

  5. Nintendo always is way behind on the digital department

  6. Robert Williams

    Looking good Jim! How many pounds is that now? 🙂

  7. How to combat emulation? Provide a better service. What does Nintendo do instead? Dripfeed games through an online service while slamming down the law hammer on anything resembling a fanmade homage.

  8. The lectern being off-center is driving me nuts. Am I crazy or just being a horrible c-SKELETON WARRIORS

  9. Nintendo has always been a wildcard within the games industry. You can always count on them to do SOMETHING that sets them apart from the other major game companies and cause a stir, whether that be for good OR for bad. This latest bit of Nintendo shenanigans, however, most certainly falls in the latter category.

  10. Lol Nintendo shills are gonna cry over this video.

  11. Cheap crap is still crap

  12. A games company selling save slots for their games – where have I heard that before…

  13. Abbreviated Reviews

    I don’t think you can describe Wii U releases with the phrase “we’ve already played them,” because not many people even touched a Wii U, let alone bought one.

  14. Abbreviated Reviews

    The interesting thing is that Nintendo has basically forced us to buy into this because risking all of your saves from something as simple as an accident or mechanical failure is too big of a loss otherwise. It doesn’t even matter what they offered with it because even people who don’t have online games or just don’t want to play those modes will still be required to buy in if they want to backup their data. If we even had the option to backup save data on the SD card manually, the only thing selling the service right now would be a few games with prominent online modes – some of which still don’t have dedicated servers and thus mediocre performance.

    If I had to guess, they’re rolling this out the way it is to move to a point where they can raise the price with the leverage of something as mundane as “now includes SNES games!” and then perhaps moving to cloud saves out to everyone for free as a sign of goodwill.

    If nothing else, I hope they turn this money into better online overall.

  15. Imo the big problem is that the Switch does not even have many Multiplayer games. I personally own TLOZ: BOTW, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Mario Odyssey. The Switch does not offer games like Battlefield, COD etc. and for 1 or 2 games it doesn’t seem to be worse it

  16. The All in one gamer

    winter is coming and so too are angry Nintendo fanboys

  17. I hate that the release of Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate is right before Nintendos online service goes live.

  18. _Does chanting “Jim” to Sterdust annoy him?_

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