Stray Souls: A Bad Game Made By Bad People (The Jimquisition)

Stray Souls is an absolutely terrible horror game. With its baffling bugs, nonsensical writing, A.I. art, suppression of criticism, and hateful director, it truly is one of the worst games of the year. Oh what spooky Halloween fun!

#StraySouls #Horror #AI #Horror #Twitter #Controversy #Halloween #JimSterling #Jimquisition #StephanieSterling #JamesStephanieSterling #Games #Gaming #Videogames


  1. Is “Big hairy bloke in the forest” a euphemism?

  2. You’ve got a Bride of Pinbot… damn Steph! Jealous!

    My personal dream is owning an Elvira and the Party Monsters.

  3. And they say transgirls aren’t breedable. SMH

  4. “Silent hill would be better if it was worse.”
    This line made me laugh more than it had any right to.
    Good delivery. Thank you.

  5. 21:23 Mah, these are the same ppl that burn their own shit to the ground over nonsensical bullshit

  6. 20:17 – I was already subscribed to TriforceFilms, and when they uploaded the Skeleton Warriors acapella video, I immediately thought of Steph.

  7. Happy H Steph!!

  8. Thank you very much.

  9. Oh god that opening story. Ive been there 😆

  10. You know…. It being a shitty janky horror game doesn’t bother me. Hell resident was at its best when it was janky as hell. Id pay 10-20$ for that.

    But being made by pieces of shit is a no sell for me. I don’t like transphobes and racist shit bags.

  11. This game is awful!

  12. I appreciate a boss who’s as bad at video games as I am, tho…

  13. alternaTITive

  14. Lost Scrolls Sketchbook

    Steph is starting to look hot. You go, girl, with your bad self.

  15. 18:28 If this spoof game cover had been made in good fun by a trans person, it would be extremely funny.

  16. I suspect in a few months time will find out that this games devs was once called digital suicide. Lol

  17. Soyborne. Born, made, and undone by the soy.

    Just more proof that hate filled morons are not smart enough to make a decent game lolz. It’s why the salt right lacks creativity for the most part.

  18. Wait…are those paramites?

  19. “Hack Game Development Is Never Finished, Only Abandoned.”

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