Sony: No Cross Platform Play Because PS4 Is Better Than Other Consoles

Sony’s arrogance on this issue – and it IS arrogance – continues to astound. Their latest gambit is suggesting cross-platform won’t come to Fortnite because the PS4 is better than the other platforms. Yeesh.


  1. Ricardo Armando Blanco López

    Sony is the best so we don’t get to play with our friends.

  2. Sorry Sony. Economics and Nintendo sales figures disagrees.

  3. It’s that kind of attitude that tanked the Xbox One.
    Looking forward to the shit show the PS5 is going to be now.

  4. They are repeating the same pattern again, getting arrogant and snooty isn’t customer friendly. I have a PS4 and I don’t play fortnite, but I can’t get behind such shitty anti consumer moves.

  5. The Blank Avatar Dude

    Sony 2005 is back.

  6. Even Sony itself has been afflicted with “Playstation elitism” like some of its fans.

  7. Skellington O'Boyle

    Either this Sony man is going off script, high, or Sony has never heard of the concept of hubris.

  8. PS4 is so good it’s got *KNACK 2 BABYY*

  9. And here comes the “blatantly anti- consumer practices but it’s fine because it’s Sony” Defense Force.

  10. 4:58 “aggressive apathy” is such a damn good term.

  11. Been a Playstation guy since it’s conception. Not anymore. Pigheadedness and douchebaggery abound. Enough is enough.

  12. ‘sniggers’. Oh, Sony… Sony.
    Yet more arrogance huh.
    Didn’t you learn your lesson with the PS3 launch?
    No? I suppose not.

    Nintendo learnt it’s lesson in large part thanks to you, but it seems you didn’t learn the lessons you yourself taught did you?

    Ah well. XD

  13. sony’s head is so far up it’s ass that it can see what it had for lunch

  14. Sony also thinks backwards compatibility is below them. Jim Ryan said in 2017; “PS1 and the PS2 games, they looked ancient, like why would anybody play this?”

  15. Reminds me of that time EA thought they were above the new lootbox regulations, and look at how that turned out for them.

  16. So Sony thinks it’s the best console for fortnite, but refuses to prove it. Cowards.

  17. Here is my biggest problem with that statement. They are set to become like Xbox was in the beginning of this generation, as as they were with the PS 3 last generation, overconfident. Remember when they announced the PS 3 for like $600 or how Xbox was to have always online DRM? If Sony follows this route, they will sink themselves next generation.

  18. The idea of the account being poisoned is frustratingly accurate

    Especially annoying about this is the fact that Epic Launcher on PC – also used for Unreal Engine 4 – has a unified login.

    In my case, I gave up my PS4 tainted Fortnite progress in its early days, making a new account to play between PC and Switch.

    Problem is, I want access to all my old Ue4 assets and packages?
    I have to exit out of everything I have open and sign in again on the old account.

    Sony’s inconvenienced a development service that isn’t even related to them just by being arrogant dicks.

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