Shenmue – Forklift Boy And His Rubbish Game (Jimpressions)

Shenmue was rereleased this week. It should have been remastered because even for its time, this “bold” game takes serious liberties.


  1. Got about an hour or so into this game years ago and turned it off forever. It was awful, it must be absolutely unplayable now.

  2. Aww, i was expecting footage of Jim looking for sailors.

  3. First 50 seconds, and I couldn’t agree more. I’m actually kind of sick of people singing it’s song and praises right now. It might’ve been innovative back in the day but right now it just falls EXTREMELY flat!

  4. I disagree, but I respect your opinion

  5. This game needs a remake not a remaster.

  6. (4:50) Awwww. Jim was kind enough to avoid running over the poor little kitty cat! Jim, you ol’ softy, you. 😉

    Shenmue fans: ignoring this
    yakuza fans: so this is where yakuza got its roots?

  8. I can see why people don’t like Shenmue but I love it, can’t wait for 3.

  9. Yeah but did you find any sailors?

  10. I bought this game back when it came out for Dreamcast and thought my real part-time job was more enjoyable. I thought there was something wrong with me because this was supposed to be an amazing game. I also hated my part-time job.

  11. I watched Bone Tomahawk last night.

  12. Can you do one for shenmue 2? Because every time people say the first one is shit, others say the second one is much better and I would like to know why.

  13. Whoa, Jim. You can’t criticize old classics. That’s against the rules.

  14. I remember that my brother traded this game the same week he bought it in favour of Code Veronica. During the forklift race, he stood up, turned off the console, and leaved the room…

  15. “I give it the worst score ever! 8/10!” lmao

  16. This game always had polarizing opinions on it. You either love it or hate it, there’s no real middle ground.

  17. I do usually agree with a lot of point you make on games, and I understand that many of the criticisms you made here are valid when playing Shenmue with a modern day outlook. But as a longtime fan of the series, you have to consider this was the first of its kind.

    There was nothing else like this back in the day. Being able to open drawers, go inside most available buildings, pick up and inspect objects, talk to basically everyone with their own personalities and have them run on their own schedules… It may have been a novelty, but back them it really felt like a breathing world. Even replaying the HD versions gives me that sense of wonder I had as a kid, remembering all the little details. And the fact that the game trusts its players enough to not rely on waypoints and their own ability to find their way around is still a breath of fresh air today.

    The thing is that criticizing Shenmue for not holding up today is like criticizing Mario 64 for being a little too clunky and blocky looking. Again, totally valid, but these games don’t exist in a time-proof bubble that negates the limitations they had to work with back then.

  18. Well thank god it’s not complete trash like Breath of the Wild with it’s 7/10.

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