RuneScape Under Fire With Player Spending $62,000 On Microtransactions

Following the UK House of Commons report on in-game spending, addictive technology, and loot boxes, RuneScape’s community is holding Jagex’s feet to the fire.

With one player spending $62,000 on the game, and others growing sick of RuneScape’s sheer greed, quite a bit of well deserved backlash is going on. RuneScape’s greed is out of control.


#RuneScape #Microtransactions #JimSterling #IndustryBS


  1. Don’t think of it as wasting money, think of it as surprise bankruptcy.

  2. Runescape looks like the fake game people play in movies and television

  3. I’m glad some larger non Runescape channels are covering this topic and bringing more attention to it.

    On behalf of all the runescape players that care about this game, thank you.

  4. If you’ve spent $62,000 dollars on a game, you’re officially a shareholder, right?

  5. He could have bought all the DLC from Train Simulator 6 times over!

  6. Please stop calling them “microtransactions”. If it’s over $5, it’s a MACROtransaction. And if it’s over $100, it’s definitely a MEGAtransaction!

  7. Runescape does have another way of saying it’s name. Run. Escape.

  8. Not predatory at all. Not a bit.

    – PEGI/ESA most likely

  9. I am a full-time Runescape 3 Youtube Content creator & streamer and I just wanted to thank you for making this video.
    The more widespread the issues can be made the bigger the impact it may have on Jagex finally changing their ways. (Probably not, but one can dream)
    It’s really depressing to see it every day get worse and worse as its the game i truly love and devote so much time to.
    Thank you.

  10. Never stop talking about these stories. Never stop banging the drum. Gambling mechanics can’t become normalised in video games.

    I’m seeing an alarming number of people going into new games just assuming they have to spend money on top their initial purchase. “How many packs am I going to buy?”, “How many VC coins will I need?”, “How much is the xp booster?” etc.

    They just see it as part of the experience, not realising the features they are paying extra for now, used to included for free. Look at the conversation on social media around upcoming sports games to see what I mean.

    We need to keep reminding people that loot boxes aren’t a normal part of console gaming. They haven’t always been there, and aren’t required for your favourite titles to exist.

  11. Runescape 3: i bought my skills
    OSRS: i Bot my skills

  12. $62,000 guy should have an executive producer credit in the game.

  13. Is the game Jim’s showing RuneScape 3 or an asset flip game? Honestly I’m losing my ability to tell garbage apart.

  14. Remember when the only money you could spend on RuneScape was the monthly $5 subscription fee, and you got the entire game plus weekly/bi-weekly content updates.

  15. $62000. Jesus Christ… You can get a lifetime of top quality fencing instruction and fight competently with actual swords for that price.

  16. Man, I remember when it was a big deal that the monthly member’s fee was going from $5 to $6. A lot’s changed in over a decade.

  17. A self proclaimed whale who spent 500 euros? Oh hun, you’re a dolphin at best

  18. “I spent 62k on a game.”
    *EA would like to know your location*

  19. Runescape: Someone spend that much? Nice, the model is working!
    Warframe: Someone spend that much? Let’s get rid of it, it’s not ethical.

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