Randy Pitchford Tells Workers Not To Expect The Bonuses They Were Told To Expect

Gearbox Software pays its workers below industry standard, but claims to make up for it with a royalty sharing program that nets its employees big bonuses.

Unfortunately, that scheme only works while Gearbox is taking in enough money to pay those bonuses. This is something workers keenly felt this week when CEO Randy Pitchford, who is a con man, told them they’re not getting the money they expected.

Sadly, it should come as no surprise that Pitchford’s employees got screwed. It seems like anybody orbiting that man gets screwed eventually.

Source: https://kotaku.com/sources-despite-huge-sales-borderlands-3-developers-a-1842617645

#RandyPitchford #GearboxSoftware #Gearbox #Borderlands3 #Borderlands #BL3 #Money #Corporations #Bonuses #Sales #2KGames #TakeTwo #RandyBoBandy #PS4 #XboxOne #PC #FPS #JimSterling #IndustryBS #Games #Gaming #Videogames


  1. “Gearbox talent”

    Can they for once call their employees “people”, “humans”, or something that doesn’t imply they are items?

  2. Oh, don’t worry, Jim, when corporate bosses say “you’re free to quit,” they don’t actually mean it. They say it precisely because they know their employees can’t afford to quit so by saying this, they’re reminding them that they have no choice but to take it or risk losing everything they have. It’s the corporate version of “Nice place you’ve got… would be a shame if something were to happen to it”. So, nice of Pitchford to confirm that he does in fact operate like a mobster.

  3. Title: “Randy Pitchford is a con man”
    Me: … and the sky is blue … what else is new?

  4. “If you don’t like it, quit”

    “If you can’t pay your rent, live on the streets”

  5. Randy Pitchford: “It’s been 10 minutes since I was last relevant, time to do something stupid.”


    -Starscream Pitchford

  7. “If you don’t like it, you can just quit.”
    Sure, Randy. I’ll do that and sue the hell out of you.

  8. “The bonuses our employees are receiving I would rate a 7 or 7.5-ish”
    – Randy Pitchford

  9. He forgot about the bonuses like his porn drive and Jim’s name.

  10. What isn’t being talked about is how they also got a huge cash infusion from being exclusive to EPIC store, and yet they’re still claiming the game didn’t make enough? hrmm, fishy.

  11. I’ve been told “I’m lucky to be working” as a defense to a company not doing anything aside from layoffs

  12. *2K:* We made more money then ever… I mean me, you get less.

  13. Mindaugas Stankus

    “If you don’t like it, you can just quit.” Then people start “quitting” on mass (in all industries) and it won’t be nice. You know this happened before and it called rebellion, revolts, revolutions, civil disobedience etc. It will happen again sooner or later.

  14. Reminder that this is the same man who conned everyone with Alien: Colonial Marines.

    Randy never changes

  15. This would be illegal in Germany, just saying.

    Unionize ffs.

  16. “I may not like the CEO, but im still buying the game because it ‘supports the developers'”.
    Can people stop lying to themselves now?

  17. Peasants: We’re starving!
    Marie Antonioette: Let them eat cake.
    Employees: We aren’t earning enough pay!
    Randy Pitchford: Let them quit.

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