Polygon’s Defense Of Overwatch Loot Boxes Is Dead Wrong

Polygon published a hot take defending Overwatch’s loot boxes as a necessary evil that keeps DLC prices down.

While the article’s many hypotheticals may have some merit, the whole thing is off base and neglects to focus on the one important factor – Activision Blizzard’s role in its own contrived economy.

You can’t make this about price control when ActiBlizz controls the price. Not if you decide to omit the company’s culpability.

Source: https://www.polygon.com/2018/9/5/17822966/overwatch-loot-boxes-skins-events


  1. Jimmy boi
    FREAKY CONSTANTINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I mean, it’s polygon… They’re dead wrong most of the time.

  3. I like Overwatch.
    But I’ll never defend or buy their lootboxes.

  4. Loot boxes as a reward… I can agree with… Loot boxes as a purchase are totally wrong

  5. Holy crap, a Jimquisition length video on a Thursday? You’re spoiling us, Mr.Sterling.

  6. Ohhhhh it’s just cOsMetIcS!!!!

  7. Polygon, what else ya expect from those fu…. *SKELTON WARRIORS*

  8. Polygon? Hahahahahahahaha -cough cough cough- hahahaha -cough wheeze-… Phew…. almost chocked laughing at that horrible news/reviews outlet.

  9. I assume it reads about as following:
    It’s ok! Because Blizzard!

  10. If I hear one more article calling Overwatch’s loot box system good, saying they’re the good guys, and how they NEED the money I’m going to buy some rioting supplies for when Vancouver gets an OWL team.

  11. “Those pallete swaps were expensive! Just imagine how much legendary skins would cost!”
    I mean, for one the money goes directly to the teams with the pallet swaps, but even then, they set their prices, they could charge $20 for a pallete swap if they wanted to, doesn’t mean that’s what it’s actually worth.

  12. $480 dollars to unlock skins in a video game being considered reasonable? What a time we live in.

  13. Polygon continues to be the biggest joke in games journalism

  14. Stop buying loot boxes FFS. They don’t care about arguments, only money.

  15. “Microtransaction models encourage players to spend bottomless amounts of money. It seems hyperbolic to call this predatory…” d-did they even read that? How the hell do you consciously write a paragraph that contradicts it’s self EVERY OTHER SENTENCE And act like “yeah that checks out”!?!?

  16. For those suggesting Polygon was “paid off,” let me reiterate what I’ve said many times – that’s far too exciting an idea for an industry as mechanically mundane as games media. Big publishers don’t need to pay anybody off, not when their enthralled fans will defend them for free. Fact is, a lot of people, both press and customer, stick up for Overwatch’s loot boxes because they like the game, or they sympathize so much with the corporate side they swallow the BS about the “need” for microtransactions.

    No payoff needed. Just a constant repetition of a bullshit line that others will repeat in turn.

  17. I wouldn’t listen to any article that uses “It could be worse” as a defense for anything

  18. Yeah but Jim, they can’t just make lots of money, they have to make ALL the money!

  19. Me: I wish that person would stop punching babies.
    Polygon: Well if he stops doing that and doesn’t have that to release his anger, then he might have to start stabbing them instead!

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