Overwatch Dance References [Side By Side Comparison]

It needed to happen.
Happy 1 year anniversary Overwatch!

Source videos:

I did not include these heroes, because I could not find clips with a similar enough routine.
If you find clips of these dances give me a head up and I will update the video!



  1. Right, I’m gonna draw Mei and Ezreal fanart

  2. Richard the citizen

    Zarya is heavy’s long lost sister comfirmed?

  3. What’s funny is the one dancing for Sombra actually kinda looks like Sombra

  4. Yeah, but what was reaper tapping his foot a reference too

    And why is it an epic?

  5. Ani-MEI

  6. Will smith in the fresh prince of bel-air does junkrats dance! Lol

  7. SoulCore ARCADE

    You think Genji is the weeaboo but it was me! MEI!

  8. 2:17 I see who inspired the clothes for sombra

  9. Soldier 76 is such a dad when dancing

  10. The fact that the dancer for Sombra’s reference looks a bit like her makes her dance all the more better.

  11. “Sombra: Dont want to direct link because of NSFW, google is your friend” are you 15 or what?

  12. Back home (Japan) when I was younger we did the Souran Bushi for a school concert. This made the Hanzo dance emote a must get.

  13. The sombra look alike girl is pretty hawt

  14. Kudos to the animators who did an amazing job on all characters tho

  15. I like how the example for Sombra’s dance is someone cosplaying Sombra lmao

  16. Thats a good rundown of the dances, but i thought the Soldier 76, was just a bad “Dad” dance

  17. Lucio’s Dance was inspired by Michael Jackson (Hence the white gloves)
    I believe Orisa’s is just based off of horse dancing, aka Dressage.

  18. They legit put something in from Haruhi Suzumiya, my life is complete.

  19. No wonder Mei’s dance looked so familiar…..

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