No Sex Please, We’re Straight (The Jimquisition)

Bridget is trans, Baldur’s Gate 3 is gay, and you can’t mod marginalized people out of existence. You’re gonna have to get used to it, or suck it. There will be no reasonable debate.


  1. Couldn’t help but think about Yamato from One Piece when he was revealed to be a trans man and all the boys got so angy about being told they were jerking their insecure little dicks to his large chesticles. the things they tell themselves and the hate they spew to “not be gay”

  2. Listened to the podcast, and wondered whether the door was acquired!

  3. Still waiting for on demand Commander Sterling matches.

  4. Amoreanonymoususername

    Ill be honest all the flirting from the npcs in bg3 made me pretty uncomfortable. Am glad withers eventually steps in to give you the “i dont want to romance any of the characters” option, but i kinda wish that was just an option from the start.

  5. I didn’t know there was even an argument that Bridget wasn’t trans

  6. I am 100 hours in and have had 1 sex scene.

  7. Maverick Hunter Stupidiocy

    You cannot convince me otherwise that if Sterling could play Strive, they’d main Bridget.

    Or I-No. I could go either way, tbh.

  8. Finger wagging prudes, the world may never know.

  9. heh didnt even know that about giovanna – thats some pretty witty writing =)
    maybe ill need to read through the rest of the bestiary in vampire survivors

  10. Awesome and funny video again, Steph! ❤

  11. “The trans joy shall continue” … thank god for that too.

  12. The thing is, treating chuds with disdain is more likely to “win over hearts and minds.” When you present “rational counter arguments” you are treating their claims like they have merits and are worth debate. You are giving them validity which means they have less reason to reconsider. But there is no validity to their arguments, they are just objectively, blatantly wrong and need to be mocked for their ignorance until they realize that.

  13. Here you go Commander Sterling, your laugh (as the character Commander Sterling) seems slightly similar to Brian Christopher’s laugh before he formed Too Cool when he was Too Sexy Brian Christopher teaming with Scott Taylor, most likely a coincidence but just noticed they were similar.

  14. Lol I miss sex in games. Mass effect was awesome.

  15. The amount of times I’ve seen weebs go “oh, Baldurs Gate 3 gets all this praise for all the sex stuff, but (insert game where the majority of the cast are underage girls in their underwear who get constantly molested or oversexualized) gets demonized!? This is just more anti-Japanese agenda!” on social media is wild. They’re PISSED. They can’t possibly understand why those types of games get weird looks while BG3 has a lot of people not caring about the sexual stuff.

  16. It’s odd, I always feel like BG3’s character creation is a little weak. Most races only get one male and one female model, there’s only 3 voice options for each gender that are the same regardless of race, hell, even the genitals options were kinda barebones.
    All I want is to make eye-watering abominations to scar my friends with. Is that really too much to ask for, Larian? Lmao

  17. lol wow they modded out the description for that witch girl because she is trans and/or made by jim? that shit is sad. i remember when i used to watch your stuff with my bro whenever a new video came out so im glad that you are doing good jim. i was a little worried when i seen that harry potter video but it looks like you are on track here good video.

  18. I once saw a video complaining about the aforementioned throat-shoving of the Woke Agenda and Trans Propaganda (or similar phrases) into Mass Effect: Andromeda. It turned out that the source of the complaint was that there’s an NPC you can speak to and ask (like other NPCs) why they wanted to come out to another galaxy. If you ask them several times in succession and work your way all the way to the bottom of their dialogue tree, eventually they’ll tell you that they used to identify as male back in the Milky Way but have now transitioned and want to start a new life in a new galaxy as a woman. And all I could think afterwards was “Is that it? That’s what your making all this fuss about? A background NPC who only discusses their gender identity if you ask them the same question three times?” It’s such an overreaction to a tiny bit of ignorable dialogue that it’s lodged in my head for years.

    As regards to the rest of these weirdos, engaging in a debate implies that the other party will enter it in good faith, and since that’s demonstrably not going to happen due to their extreme and weird reactions then all the Gamers(TM) deserve is to be mocked.

  19. Wait a minute, before she was confirmed trans, Bridget was just discussed as being a man who was brought up girly. Wasn’t it more gay back then? I mean the whole “gay for Bridget” meme has been around for decades by now. Wouldn’t Bridget identifying as a trans woman make it less gay, if anything?

  20. 9:10 , by they standard helen Ripley was woke 44 yeas before the word was created ( for beeing a strong and badass women! after all she is one of the few female in broforce). those review look so dumb i m starting to wonder if they are paid to make them, lol maybe some big studio did that because they don t want customer to have the habit of good finished product.

    as for me, i havent been far in BG3, but what i saw looking on the web make me think it is pretty tame ( well it isn t a sex game after all, i do wonder if i can have a ero scene with my druid gnome in giant spider form). and to finalize, they are bitching but if you check nexus mod there is more mod to give girls bigger weiner than mode for male character XD

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