Nintendo eSlop: The Switch’s Shovelware Problem (The Jimquisition)

Nintendo has a real problem with asset flips and shovelware on the Switch’s eShop. From the scourge of AAA Clock to the horrifically bad output of Pix Arts, there’s a lot of slime to cut through if you want to browse, and Nintendo’s doing less than nothing about it. So much for the seal of approval!

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  1. Thijs Schrijnemakers


  2. I forgot how difficult it is to eat while listening to some of these. 😂

  3. The fact that the Switch eShop is so terrible is the only saving mitigation for this crap shovelware. Nobody was going to the eShop to browse games: You’d have to be off your meds to try that. Nothing is discoverable. Random crap in a random order, and that was before it got inundated. Switch users knew that we needed to go to external sources to browse Switch software. Meaning, for the most part, that the shovelware will sit there unviewed unless it manages to make an impression on external websites. And for the most part, it doesn’t. Except for that Last Of Us fake, which was just funny.

  4. Brayden Van Esch-Rombouts (TNT-PVP)

    I’m actually a huge fan of SwitchStars. I’ve delved into some shovelware he’s covered myself like the Dead Space mock buster, Deep Space.

  5. this is why i recommend DekuDeals as a wishlister – they email you when the deals are on and take you right to where you need to go

  6. titties is content

  7. I’ve checked the Switch E-Shop every week for the handful of years I’ve owned a Switch and it’s only gotten worse and worse every week. Nintendo seems fine with taking quantity over quality to obscene levels.

  8. Who else smells another lawsuit from another self egotistical game “develeper” who think they’re entitled to millions of dollars of compensations because they think their shitty games got insulted?

  9. nice new emoticons

  10. 6:05 To quote MST3k, “Her hinder’s out of control! It’s got a mind of its own!”

  11. The fact that Red Deer has some actually good games under its belt as well makes me wonder what the kek they are doing.
    The eShop is poop, and I don’t want to ever browse it either. I have a lot of funds stuck there, but when I want to spend them, I go to other sites and look for recommendations rather that browse that frankenmonster of a service.

  12. Protip: Browse the eShop from the web, NOT from the console. Nintendo is not gonna fix it.

  13. The eshop when the switch came out was slow but it wasn’t loading over 100000 trash games like it is now.

  14. Dark Side Cookies

    Snakes on a Train was just cringy, god awful shite. Alien vs Hunter was also just about as unwatchable, but also has one of the worst examples of false advertising box art I’ve ever seen. On some examples they have both the supposed Alien and Hunter displayed, neither of which appear in the movie!

    Credentials: lover of “so bad it’s good” B movies. The above examples are just baaaaaaaaad

  15. eshop has been bad since day 1 and pretty much only gotten worse, which is weird because the wiiU’s eshop actually was pretty great

    It’s almost like nintendo has some sort of covenant with the devil that forces them to always royally screw up at least one thing about each of their consoles

  16. The Switch has a really big shovelware problem. I’m so happy that I buy my games on steam! I just found a game on steam: The Slaughtering Grounds. I’m sure it’s great!

  17. Steph keeps getting me shook!~ >//<

  18. 20:57 Was not expecting an Akibaranger reference. Course that gif of the red and green Powered Rangers (from an altered history where Powered Rangers came first, Super Sentai actually _was_ a Japanese knockoff of Powered Rangers and the Powered Rangers have a comic with a cover where the red one has muscles so large it makes Liefeld’s cover of Power Rangers Zeo #1 look competently drawn) certainly gets around.

  19. I want to know if Nintendo charges a set fee or a subscription in order to submit stuff to their eShop. If they don’t, they need to damned well start.

  20. The most severe detractor for the switch being touchscreen is that the eshop is flooded with obvious ports of phone games, which are some of the most low-effort and egregious shovelware of any platform.

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