[NEW HERO NOW PLAYABLE] Introducing Doomfist | Overwatch

Meet Doomfist—a formidable tactician who packs one hell of a punch.

Play him now on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One!
Learn more about Doomfist: http://blizz.ly/Doomfist


  1. Ok but where is the summer games

  2. Sylvanas Windrunner

    god i wish that were me -Terry Crews

  3. “Error starting game”


    Why does the first clip remind me of the beginning of destiny 2?!?!?!

  5. I am waiting for a hero who shoots fire

  6. темирлан укибаев

    Yes! Today my birthday! It excellent present!

  7. 0:58 Represent how blizzard thinks about roadhog resently

  8. Anyone else thought the animating in this video looked kinda cheesy?

  9. Doomfist so overpowered he slammed Soldier into another map

  10. Thomas Blandford

    Yep he’s available to play, after a two hour update file is complete, why does the update use 1.5 gigs to update?>!

  11. Doomfist mains incoming! xD

  12. He just punched him into another map
    : P 0:48

  13. Thats cool and all.. but i would be really excited if we can finally have a character who’s abilities are fire.

  14. The original Dave

    Overwatch: doomfist
    Rule 34: Did some one say fist?
    Tracer: oh no!

  15. Евгений Смирнов

    i can finally punch Mei and Symmetra in the face. Thank you, Jeff

  16. Christopher Trauer

    What’s new with blizzard setting unrealistic standards for Character abilities through videos

  17. There’s a new boop master in town

  18. Tbh I wasn’t hyped for this character. I think i’ll stick with my support heroes.

  19. So why do we still have to push the payload at Numbani

  20. Blizzard: “We remove Roadhogs One Shot. We want less one Shots.”
    * Doomfist release *

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