Monster Hunter World: Iceborne – Title Update Ver. 13.5

The magnificent Kulve Taroth is making its triumphant return and the mighty Arch-Tempered Namielle is on its way to #Iceborne. Check out this quick preview of what’s to come in Title Update Version 13.5, available starting April 23.



  1. Namielle would like to remind everyone to wash their hands

  2. Namielle is one of the best looking monsters in MH history.

    • @ARZRer To each their own

    • @Tyler MacGregor I’d have to only slightly agree on what you’re saying about the divisive chunks expressed by various outlooks from people on Frontier’s sense of design, but the majority of monsters in a visual perspective on how they behave is very distinct. Though on the spikey subject, it’s honestly not all that much like people make it out to be. Espinas, Hyujikiki, Kuarusepusu, Raviente, and a small selection of the Kushala skin line up are justified to be that way for what they’re mostly based off of. But others like, Dhisufiroa, HC Silver Rathalos, Gureadomosu, and Zenith Baruragaru do indeed look a bit weird on design. As a whole given factor, spikes on monsters aren’t necessarily plastered all over unless it’s for the basis on conceptual monster design. Additionally, most don’t follow that at all and instead use spikes to alter their appearances more differently than normal. But not so much to the point of where it’s JUST spikes by itself. That’s one of the things that severely bothers me the most about the criticism for monster designs in Frontier. Because it’s not always the case as everyone claims it to be. And about the part of them being ugly? Yes of course they are. How else would you describe something that’s considered a “monster?” Face wise anyway

    • If only its face wasn’t ugly, it would be undisputedly the most beautiful monster.

    • @Tyler MacGregor You’re paying way too much attention to the elder dragons my guy. And what you’re saying about Frontier monsters not designed as animal creatures is completely inaccurate and untrue. Hyujikiki is CLEARLY a porcupine/hedgehog, Poborubarumu has the design structure to that of a whale, Anorupatisu resembles a shark, (not as much as Zamtrios but still an obvious indication) Pokaradon is an arctic seal, Gogomoa takes the concept of spider monkey to a more literal style, and the Mi Ru is based on the Kitsune; given the shapeshifting traits and the fox appearance. I’ve personally fought them all and they do feel like monster hunter monsters in battle. And each one took concepts to a whole new level of ingenuity. Realism? Fantasy? Shouldn’t really matter as long as the experience is fun

  3. 《 Grizznups 》

    Kulve was always a great monster with a nice varied moveset. It’s great to see her outside of a seige event, can’t wait!

    • @Fingerboy Did you even watch this trailer? She literally melts the entire cavern ceiling as one of her attacks.

    • @Kyle Burden She’s really only similar in that she shares the same model skeleton and some basic animations. Great Jagras doesn’t get faster, use horns for a few varying head slam attacks, or combine the head slams with a charge to snipe players.

    • @Fingerboy I guess we just have to wait and see. They will surely add in more moves of course but I think for them, finding the balance of fun and challenge will be difficult but possible because of course its MR.

      That said though, Capcom has been insane with the free updates (they could’ve made ALL of this paid) and I am so thankful for them GG’s Capcom you have a satisfied gamer here.

  4. Kulve Taroth: Prepare for trouble!
    AT Namielle: And make it double!

  5. ArchieZ Iman Halim

    Ahh my golden girl has returned.
    Ah shit here we go again


  7. Finally time to digging gold zennies after a lot of upgrading armor that makes me from rich af to poor af.

    • Just sell her high rank gold shells

    • shadeofdestrution

      Still have 99 million zenny and all my stuff is upgraded and a shitton of armor spheres I will never use up. ( only collect 30-50 of monster materials and then sell them after every quest, unless it’s gems/mantles. Those I collect for myself). Got 18 million zenny on trade in items also

    • @Erin Moody That works too, there’s several ways to raise funds if you’re broke. Seliana and Astera never run out of jobs, hahaha!

    • Кікей Эра

      Add one or two moves to be the so-called King of Wars
      ,how boring’s game.

    • No kdding i sold alot of old kulve materials and a ton of eggs

  8. Imagine being body slam by this queen every night, her kulve is absolute FIRE!!!!!

  9. “El Dorado, Golden mamma!
    Take me home, Kulve Taroth!”

  10. High rank kulve taroth: the floor is LAVA fool
    Master rank: kulve taroth: the roof is on FiReee

  11. That rath-a-like is my fav hairstyle since mh1 im going to cry ;(

  12. “PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / Steam”

    It’s been 3000 years…

    • @S Especially how you can just buy all materials including monster ones without even fighting them. I’d prefer cross save over cross play with mhw.

    • @Cole McGrath “goes to show how insecure you are in life that you need to justify cheating in a video game” is kinda over the top and a bit laughable considering he is just modding deco rates, which really isnt hurting anything except his time invested in getting decos. i’m not going to defend that kind of modding but some people dont want to spend 2k hours in mhw to not even have the decos you want. that level of legit or not doesnt have anything to do with you, and doesnt undermine your dedication so i dont know why you seem to be taking it personally lmao

    • @S Imagine being this butthurt over mods, sounds to me like you’re jealous if anything. Anyways, enjoy paying for PSN/Xbox Live for basic online functionality, pleb.

  13. Looks like the stripper dragon finally learned how to pole dance.


  15. Damn. Looks like Kulve can’t even touch a pillar-shaped rock without being called a stripper, lmao.

  16. Fluffy Mop… *probably never heard of a better hairstyle in my life before.*

  17. @asaeampan wasn’t he actually fucking the ocean up by heating it up?

  18. @navytashigi Lao Shan Lung, literally just want to pass by, Ceadeus is grinding it’s horn on ocean floors because it’s in pain. Kirin, Chameleos, Yama Tsukami. there’s a decent number of docile elder dragons that are just minding their own business.

  19. Wait, Kulve can also clean up…

    … *with fire.*

  20. @Lucapon I never got anything at all, KT for me was a massive disappointment of RNG after I was already disappointed with RNG for 400 hrs. I just gave up on chasing meta, had a very fun 200 extra hrs on whatever weapon i feel like picking up making QoL builds instead of dps until Iceborne came and the Guiding Lands is what I never knew I wished for, endless hunt…. Im gonna run MR KT for the sake of the hunt not too, fuck the meta.

  21. @CrowbarfishTeddy 08Tanjaya Kjarr strongarm “King” right?

  22. Pathetic, i have -20 water resistance

  23. Namielle, mizotsune, kulve

  24. @Christina Nicole Am pretty sure Behemoth, nergi, vaal, rajang, glavenus and many more are males. Namielle neither looks like a female or sounds like a female

  25. How about the Furious Rajang set maybe with some water res decos

  26. Alatreon ends the virus by creating apocalyptic conditions that denature the proteins, probably killing everyone in the process.

  27. Fatalis straight up makes everything go extinct

  28. Lucapon – Have zero uses on bow guns & got it.

  29. jokes on you, brachy is a gunlance mains dream set and hiding behind a shield nami is a joke

  30. @ANDROID MODDING nergigante reproduces asexually through leaving spikes in the ground so definitely not that one. Plus all elder dragons except lunastra and teostra are unisex so that eliminates vaal too. I dont think rajang in confirmed one way or the other so again probably just a species with both. You are right about glavenus, forgot about him. But behemoth and lessen are crossovers so I dont count them. Also I forgot kulve taroth which is canonically female.

  31. thornberry gaming

    BevelBoyJack namielle

  32. @legion160 of course, but those gun Lance’s users won’t be laughing when it gets a dead angle through their shield.

  33. Plesioth with those *toned* hipchecks

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