Mavis Beacon Prepares Markiplier for War

Mavis Beacon is back once more to teach you the dark arts of the Typing of the Dead.

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  1. Keep up the good work markiplier

  2. Niught

  3. 1 2 3 and 4?

  4. Mark is literally my comfort YouTuber

  5. Ayy Mark got here early for once lol

  6. I first thought that Mark we going to war with Mavis!

  7. good ol’ mavis

  8. Mavis Beacon
    Teaches Typing

  9. Holy fuck this is just a typing version of a Wii game I used to play as a kid

  10. At 0.09 seconds in the video it was small us pretty average if you ask me

  11. I wonder if Mark would get a different keyboard, because the wasd layout was to slow down type writers

  12. Ah I understand why the title is the title now

  13. You can tell they used a digitally synthesized voice using audio from the original game

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