Markiplier’s Korean Massage

Listen to the Full Story Here ►►
I once got an authentic Korean massage in an authentic Korean bathhouse from an authentic Korean man…


  1. Day 38 of me asking Markiplier to sing Evermore from Beauty and the Beast.

  2. Want raft now !!! Wtf is with this game man you play it you seem to actually enjoy it and then it just disappears for months at a time just finish it man for fuck sake also funny story animation is cool to see after having heard it in the podcast

  3. I thought Mark was smart untill he told this story in which he decided to stay

  4. And thats how mark added 10 years to his life

  5. This is art, both the animation and the story

  6. Can’t be dirty if they remove the skin. Ouch. . .

  7. Having had a “massage” at a Korean bath house before, this is exactly the same experience I had. It’s like all those dudes who do the scrubbing learned the same technique of testicular assault

  8. Mavis_CatxX𝕎☿𝕝𝕗

    Didn’t expect this story to get animated but I was pleasantly surprised

  9. I love that this story is still on par with Bob’s Russian Bath house story, told in the same episode of Distractible

  10. Dammit…Good story telling…I was snorting laughing from the halfway point…haven’t snorted in an age! Well played Markiplier , well played!

  11. Didn’t expect this story to get animated but I was pleasantly surprised


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