Legion Epilogue Horde Cinematic

Legion Epilogue Horde Cinematic


  1. I forsee a great SFM coming out of this one.

  2. This is amazing!!! Way better than most cinematics and I’m not talking about the voice acting I’m talking about the writing this clearly got Christie Goldens writing all over it! 😀

  3. Man, seeing all the leaders with various personalities interact is so much fun. Here’s hoping there’ll be a lot of that.

  4. Ser Twenty Goodmen

    Did they change the voiceactor for saurfang?

  5. I have to say aside of hating on Gallywix you just gotta love his voice and his new model.

  6. And the fight to gather Azeroth’s lifeblood begins…

  7. “Nothing good has ever come out of Silithus” he is right about that haha 😀 one exception is the raid I guess
    (I love how Blizzard is aware of how terrible that zone was by referencing it)

  8. ” Nothing good has ever come out of Silithus ”

    Saurfang was the supreme commander of the Might of Kalimdor, the army that attacked Silithus/Ahn’Qiraj and defeated C’thun 🙂

  9. It’s just me or when they touch the Azerite they kind of change? I understand its a powerful mineral and all, but, the change, the expression of Sylvanas and Anduin was so weird…Like something was messing with their minds…

  10. Abigail Heydenburg


  11. I would love to see a series based off the feasts the horde leaders have and how they interact with one another

  12. My life for the HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORDE!

  13. Faolan Hart {Animal Above The Man}

    Damn Baine not only looks badass, but he sounds it.
    Its gonna be hard to resist asking him if he wants a banana though.

  14. “Its surface blazes bright, masking shadows below.” The blood of C’Thun is probably mixed in with with the blood of Azeroth, leaving them susceptible to corruption.

  15. Alliance cinematic: The king makes a inspirational speech in front of the city.
    Horde cinematic: All the leaders are enjoying a private feast with Sylvanas and Gallywix going after their self interests.
    It really shows which factions looks out for its members doesn’t it?

  16. Damn they did a good job with Baine here. Even though not much character wise but he just sounds and looks like a damn good Horde leader.

  17. Gallywix takin Sylvie to the back room to show her his big scepter! 😉

  18. They are mining bitcoins?
    It’s all about bitcoins?

  19. Saurfang still doesn’t have a custom voice for his click lines 🙁

  20. Sylvanas is interestingly the worst person on Azeroth now, the first real clue was set in the “War crimes” novel, when all is about Garrosh’s atrocities, there is those phases with Sylvanas doing, or preparing to do much more vicious and evil things but of course, nobody realises because much of the people rely on external look only. That’s the hidden morale of the novel. Sylvanas is in fact far much worse than Garrosh. When Garrosh use to attack by front with brutal force, Sylvanas strikes by behind with cowardly weapons and rely on murder and lies to get to not be seen like Garrosh. And she still does today. Also, you can see that a LOT of troubles (Maybe 80% of them) between the Horde and the Alliance are initiated by Sylvanas and her people’s actions directly or not. So here it is, the most evil person on Azeroth by now is most likely to be Sylvanas than everyone else. This one may also be much harder to get rid off because one major thing : Unlike Garrosh, she just isn’t honest about a single thing and every word of her is a lie. And that is the worst kind of person, because those are just so good at lying and manipulate that they hardly get what they deserves one day.

    An interesting and well done character that i love to despise ! That’s when you know that a character is good. (Still, Garrosh was better in my opinion, much more reflexions about him.)

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