Kumail Nanjiani as Jarun Tann

We sat down with Kumail Nanjiani to hear what it’s like voicing Andromeda’s salarian politician, Jarun Tann. Beneath Tann’s high-handed commands, his insecurity becomes clear.


  1. we will bang okay?

  2. 2.5 million lightyears and we can’t get away from politicians. XD

    But Jarun sounds like an interesting fellow. He wants us to succeed so it looks good on him. It’s a nice change from Mr. “Political Shitstorm”.

  3. Wow, I never would have recognized him after all the Salarian post-processing on his voice! Looking forward to learning more about this character!

  4. Thaakirah Isaacs

    Wonder if he’ll be the Udina of Andromeda XD

  5. Radioactive Snake

    Here is the real question though,
    Can i romance him?

  6. OMG a Salarian with an Indian accent is the cutest thing ever IM GONNA CRY

  7. Radioactive Snake

    The salarians look damn good in this game.

  8. sure that’s all cool and all but can we do sex at him?

  9. Damn when they said he’d be a space frog part of me was hoping for a drell. Oh well, still bloody excited

  10. Prepare your butts.
    The toxic comments are coming.

  11. Never played any Mass Effect game, but I want to get this one!

  12. They used to eat flies. And apparently now they’re doing politics. In Andromeda!

  13. wow so far no hate comments so far unlike every single andromeda video

  14. MassEffectFollower

    His character looks so good. Wonder who the Turian and Asari politician will be

  15. I mean no offence but i got the feeling i will be punching you in the face.

    That just what past history tells me.

  16. I will have you know that there’s no pussieeEEEeeee

  17. 0:24 I didn’t know Chris Pratt was in the game.

  18. This is gonna be my first Mass Effect game.

  19. Why does his actual name sound more alien than his character’s name.

  20. Report to the ship as soon as possible. We’ll bang, OK?

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