It’s Morbin’ time in Among Us!

#H2ODelirious #amongus #funnymoments


  1. Do you guys ever play with fans I would love to play and hang with the group just once?

  2. You know that among us allready has a morphs role?

  3. Wait failboat?

  4. 8:34 *awkward silence*
    9:56 me screaming “KILL KILLL!!!!!” and dying inside as he flops the opportunity
    10:27 and proceeds to friggin turn into the only other sus person thereby clearing him immediately… lol

  5. Himi could’ve guessed Failboat as Transporter

  6. morblirious

  7. Play more tabs with Cartoonz those videos were so funny.

  8. Mark Timuthy Morada

    H20 delirious play again wanted raccoon ep 3

  9. [Soffy] H0T Girl L!ve Cam

    Imagine playing a morphing but with a soundboard of recorded lines of who you shift into.

  10. Rita 25 y.o - check my vidéó

    Imagine playing a morphing but with a soundboard of recorded lines of who you shift into.

  11. - [S O F F Y]- Go To My ChanneI! L!VE NOW

    I didn’t expect to see FAILBOAT in a H2O delirious vid but here we are, and frankly, I love it.

  12. [ T I A]-C0me 0ver L!ve

    Imagine playing a morphing but with a soundboard of recorded lines of who you shift into.


  14. hay delirious when i olddr i well try to make a undertale fan game for you

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