It’s Microsoft’s Fault That Videogames Are Bad (The Jimquisition)

It behooves first party publishers to provide top quality productions that make their consoles worth buying. Nintendo and Sony have both produced amazing games to sell us on the PS4 and Switch.

Microsoft, however, is different. Microsoft has decided to act no better than a grasping third party “AAA” publisher. Even worse, it set the tone of a generation and contributed – perhaps more than any other company – to the nasty normalization of excessive monetization.

It’s Microsoft’s fault that videogames are bad.


  1. Wait, it’s optional and “doesn’t give you any real benefits,” but you still want money for it?

  2. Leave the trillion dollar company alone you mean, mean man!

  3. Should have never bought that damned horse armor.

  4. Jim is getting his money worth out of those $1.99 plastic jewels.

  5. I simply don’t buy games with any monetisation in them anymore, it’s an instant red flag showing they devoted resources to non-features instead of putting that effort into the actual game.
    Which is a clear lack of respect for the medium, and further regresses game design.
    Man I miss 2004… the peak of gaming.

  6. If microtransactions are “Optional” so is me buying the game, which is an option I will choose not to do.

  7. I wonder if it’s worth noting that Sony and Nintendo are Japanese-owned companies, while Microsoft are an american-owned company.

    I’m not saying that America is the true home of corporate greed but…well…yes I am saying that actually.

  8. 15:34 “Earn cosmetics using money”? that’s not how this works.

  9. I knew I hated Xbox for a reason. Kidding aside, I mostly stayed away from Xbox and the entire Microsoft videogames business due to my affinity towards PlayStation and sometimes to the Nintendo exlucsives. My philosophy has always been, if you want an Xbox, why don’t you just buy a PC instead? The whole point of consoles are their exclusives and the novelty of having a semi-portable gaming device that can carry the same power as a PC. I always hated the notion that Xbox was “the most powerful gaming console”. So? Consoles were not made for the power. PC were made for the power while consoles were made for good exclusives. I always believed that there is no point to buying an Xbox if the PC was just there, being able to play all the games an Xbox can better. I guess the reason Xbox and Microsoft is behaving like this (micro-transactions, corporate greed, etc.) is becuase it’s an American company. Sony and Nintendo are Japanese companies through and through. I guess the Japanese will never disrespect their consumers and labourers the way Americans have been perfecting for decades. Moving on, right from the beginning, I always hated how Xbox was marketed: just a direct competitor to PlayStation. Yes there was a blip in PlayStation timeline where the Xbox 360 was considered better than the PS3. But when you look at it, there really wasn’t anything significantly better in Xbox 360 than PS3. PS3 was just plainly considered bad because of the bad decisions they made. Xbox didn’t even beat PS3 because it did better, 360 was just better in default because PS3 decided to be bad. PS4 is overall better than Xbox One because it really is inherently better than One. One is a good console. It had its advantages and pros. But PS4’s advantages were just better. Exclusives were better. UX is better. Sony isn’t as greedy as Microsoft.

  10. “Microsoft has declared war not on Nintendo, not on Sony, not even on Apple. But on you. Microsoft has declared war on the consumer.”
    – Sterling, 2013

  11. Back in the days of the Orange Box, Valve wanted to update TF2 on the 360 for free, Microsoft REFUSED to allow them to do that. Because they felt that players should pay for content that was free elsewhere I guess.

  12. If it wasn’t for xbox. I wouldn’t have to pay 4 the internet twice.

  13. I like how Jim and Dunkey both made a video on Microsoft

  14. you forgot about PAYING TO PLAY ONLINE they did it first.

  15. Just look at what they did to Minecraft Bedrock. They literally added *Fortnite* styled micro transactions.

  16. Now I remember why I went with sony instead of Microsoft and never regretted it

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