Industry Veterans Attempt Self-Regulation Of Loot Boxes

The key word is “attempt.”

In less than 24 hours, the National Committee for Game Policy has made headlines and promised aid in the notorious Loot Box Controversy.

But the coalition will have to forgive my intense distrust.


  1. Diego Antonio Rosario Palomino

    didnt esrb and pegi declared that lootboxes arent gambling ?

  2. EA Games! It’s in the Loot Box

  3. Nope, fuck these people.

  4. hey look people are angry lets seize some power.

  5. Remember when former Verizon suit Ajit Pai was gonna protect the laws regulating Verizon, which were created because of Verizon’s shitty business practices?

    This looks a lot like that.

  6. If anyone that identify themselevs as “experts” there’s a good chance they’re spouting bullocks.
    I prefer the term bullshit artist. Cause that’s more accurate

  7. That’s one way to form a lobby group so lootboxes can be preserved without any pesky gambling laws getting in the way.

  8. I’ve lost all respect for the ESRB. This is exactly what they were supposed to be for and this lootbox garbage still slipped through their fingers.

    Fuck this bullshit. I’m going to stick with indie titles from now on. Time to play some stardew valley. Let my bitter apathy grow the largest fucking strawberries.

  9. In related news, sociopaths have banded together help the Government regulate corporations.

  10. It’s really a sad state of affairs when we now have to HOPE that regulation comes to this industry by the government. If you told me 5 years ago that we’d be at that point, I’d have laughed at you. But it’s true that actual, official regulation is what it will take to keep these money-hungry, shameless AAA publishers in check.

  11. Isn’t this how the ESRB started?

  12. ‘Think Tanks’ are often tools of the corporate oligarchy to permeate the policy sphere while disseminating loaded ‘research’ to media organizations. The lack of transparency is an immediate red flag typical of the corporate world, as is the language as Jim points out. An organization full of ‘industry leaders’ is going to seek to aims of the industry, which is to say profit as unmitigated as possibly by ethical and regulatory norms.

    Also, capital has persistently show itself incapable of self-regulation which seeks to preserve social welfare.

  13. ? they do this same scheme & scam in politics & the sciences, its a classic shell game LOL ?

  14. self regulation funniest thing ive heard like asking a pedophile to self manage their libido

  15. And this kids, is how organized crime becomes legalized. By making regulatory committees.
    Don’t forget to give you cash to your friendly big corporate game company.

  16. Do I want this to succeed? Hell yes, it’d be nice to have a grassroots movement in support of removing deceptive practices from video games. Do I actually? No. This seems too…well…”horrendous”. Why not put your name out there if you are non-partisan and working for the interests of the community? How come this movement doesn’t seem to have ANY roadmap of any sort? Why act so clandestine when the people who this movement supports are intrinsically distrustful of secretive behavior?

    TL;DR, what the fuck is this shit?

  17. How do you do, fellow kids? Gamers under fire, amirite?

  18. Smh…this shit is corrupt as everything else these days….continue to protest with your money and don’t support bs…

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