I Was 100% Right About The Stupid Live Service Gold Rush (The Jimquisition)

This past week saw a whole pile of live services – including Rumbleverse – shut their doors. This follows Square Enix closing a whole bunch of similar games, and the overall trend of “games-as-a-service” falling apart.

Who called it? This girl called it!

#LiveService #Rumbleverse #SquareEnix #Online #BattleRoyale #Mobile #Money #Microtransactions #Jimquisition #JimSterling #StephanieSterling #Games #Gaming #Videogames


  1. Oh what…I didn’t know about Rumbleverse dying until this video, I had a ton of fun with that game but haven’t played in a couple weeks cause of life being busy. That really sucks… I started playing after watching northernlion stream it and it was by far my favorite battle royale game I’ve ever played

  2. I don’t know maybe square enix actually might actually be wising up to just how bad life service models are maybe they will do the right thing and release chocobo racing just as a normal f****** game.

    I’m joking of course they’re not going to do that because that would be the right thing and completely go against everything they stand for

  3. That bit on the left side of the circle: “More Development Time”
    More like, “Bigger workload, less workers who were willing or able to do it.”
    Especially with all the layoffs.

  4. Honestly, with how spot on your predictions are, you could probably do consulting.

  5. Worse thing is I saw an ad for yet another new SquareEnix Live Service as they are already axing all the others.

  6. you’re so fucking right and you should say it

  7. There is a rule that provides some existential horror when technology considered in cautionary science fiction finally comes to real life:

    When we gain a technology that comes with ethical concerns, someone is going to do the terrible unethical thing, whether for money or power or sheer because they like it, until we have a consequential understanding of why we don’t do the unethical thing.

    On one hand we have the oil magnate who cloned himself for an heir when the cloning technology was producing problematic sheep specimens. I don’t know how that story ended.

    But then, we’re approaching 85 years without a nuclear war, despite saber rattling of the DPRK and Trump’s _fire and fury_ speech.

  8. The solution to this is game developers having a sense and knowledge of history, like knowing what has been tried, what failed, and why it failed in games. But like…knowing history is for nerds and not cool C-suite executives who are focused on the future, what the next big thing is. (You’ll keep trying and failing at things that others and you have already tried and failed, unless you learn the why and how of gaming history)

  9. 4:14 – F*** Konami.

    7:40 – There are some that, if they were in a place that taxed thinking, they’d get a rebate of that.

    9:40 – Pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

    You say it like it is.

  10. The Cassandra of videogames was extra sassy today and I’m here for it.

  11. I think it would be fascinating for JSS to cover FF14. It’s a Square-Enix AAA live service subscription-based MMO that failed spectacularly on launch like most other live service games. Now it’s the only thing keeping Square-Enix afloat. The game’s producer, Yoshi-P, has been a bulwark against the corporate scum that seek to overly monetize it, and outside of the sole exception of a minimally advertised micro transaction store (which was more-or-less forced upon him by Square Enix) , he’s been successful.

  12. It’s a damn shame that Apex Mobile shut down, it was a legitimately decent alternative to the real thing, but I can’t deny that it suffered from being… well… a mobile game with all it’s trappings that it entails. It’s a shame it had to be shut down, but I won’t cry over it’s demise.

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