I Carried Vanoss, Marcel, Nogla, Moo & Terroiser to VICTORY!!!!

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Drop into Apex Legends today, Revelry is absolutely a blast!
Check out the game here – https://www.inflcr.co/SHGoT

Friends in Video:

#h2odelirious #apexlegends #delirious #h20delirious #vanosscrew #vanossgaming


  1. OCTANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Lets Take Time To Appreciate the Effort of the Thumbnail Artist.

  3. It is a good day to watch a Delirious vid

  4. You gotta work on ya movement on this game

  5. Why does it show internal build, if anyone knows

  6. Now to wait for the melee only part to be uploaded lol

  7. Hey delirious you should so a real life face cam for your videos but you wear a hockey mask or any mask

  8. delirious going on a rampage and this guys can,t kill one

  9. Are they finally going to add a better anti cheat

  10. Patition for delirious to play depth agin

  11. Wow…. This hurt to watch

  12. Please play a solo campaign

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