How to PROPERLY use Miss Fortune’s Ultimate (What Challenger Players DONT Want You to Know!)

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Hello! This is completely real and also not click bait and is a full quality video. This took me 1000 hours to make of long hard work and training. If you would like to be as good as me please consider subscribing. Thank you.


  1. I discovered it the day “practice tool” came out and I was wondering if I tell Riot or not x)~

  2. I just love every single thing about this video LOL

  3. Look at ingame chat at 1:30 LUL

  4. God tier mf guide

  5. I still don’t get it how u kinda use and cancel the ult.

  6. The only amazing skin on mf is the Captain one
    L O R E

  7. that chat at 1:33 made me inta sub

  8. I’ve seen this since it came out so not funny for us who know about it 🙁

  9. Wait…what is going on? are those actuall bugs or do i miss something?

  10. DEDAStudios [ASMRer]

    lol! definitely gonna try this out in ranked asap

  11. Do I need the 6 Infinity Edges for this to work?

  12. silkroad54541 lol

    My ex used to ult like 0:42 … I dumped her.

  13. You sir, are a fucking genius. Amazing video all around with all the details. LOL

  14. This is the greatest lol video in existence.

  15. Hey guys, it’s me Jeremy.

  16. thegovernment0usa

    Can’t believe I never thought of this.

  17. can i do this with smartcast?

  18. High elo silver players LUL

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