Home Safety Hotline

Worried that your home might be in danger? Worried that someone is watching you? Worried that your friends and family might have been replaced by skinwalkers? Then call the Home Safety Hotline today!

Play the Game ► https://store.steampowered.com/app/2357910/Home_Safety_Hotline/

Horror Outro ► https://soundcloud.com/shurkofficial/haunted


  1. i have a question for you mark : What happend to Darkiplier?

  2. I wanna see Santaplier in a cameo

  3. 0:45
    I love how even without saying anything, Mark still got me to chuckle.

    “House Fires” **yep**
    “Flooding” **yep**
    “Black Mold” **yep**
    “Metamorphosis” **y-** huh?

  4. It always a joy to see mark trying to help people he’s not qualified to help 😂

  5. The voice actors of the game not being able to get through their lines without laughing and leaving it in the recording for the game is just the cherry on top!

  6. Man it makes me really happy that Mark is always taking all these new jobs to help make sure that he’s giving back to the community you know now he’s a home safety hotline operator He’s done so much for just the whole world to try and help everyone he can I feel so safe with him around

  7. I used Caller Mike’s photo as my generic customer support image at work

  8. black mold is a household hazard? i never had a house without it and it’s the 3rd house that’ve been and i’m 25

  9. mark should play killer frequency

  10. Safety not included

  11. The 90’s UI makes me want Mark to Play Hypnospace Outlaw, I think he’d get a kick outta that game

  12. I REALLY liked this one!

  13. Oh my god, the phone call from Carol felt too close to a real job, I exit’d the game lol I’m not trying to work lol that’s the real horror right there.

  14. Ohhhhh I kinda want this

  15. the true horror of this game is working in a call center


  17. Nothing hits closer to home than a new video of Mark checking out black mold and stair slugs

  18. Babe wake up mark posted

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