Hidden Circles in Minecraft

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Did you know minecraft has some hidden circles in it? Last one is super wierd.



  1. Circles Made of squares

  2. Circular blocks but just smaller pixels

  3. Yes but what are those circles made of

  4. it’s impossible to make a circle on a computer. it’s always made of SQUARE pixels.

  5. “Never let them know your next move”
    Subscribes to a different youtuber*

  6. yes but the circles are made of cubes..

  7. But they are made of sqaures (aka pixels)

  8. Shadow has left the game
    Oh look a new block named suscribe just joined the game

  9. But the circels are Out of squares

  10. Throwing a block down the shadow: Do I not mean anything to you?

  11. You’re right, they’re circles

    But the catch is they’re actually made of squares

  12. “But there are some hidden circles”
    *proceeds to show circles made out of pixels which are square shaped and cubes are basically the 3d version of squares*

  13. Average Bloons Enjoyer

    All these squares make a circle.

  14. The weird block is a sponge btw

  15. Minecraft is all cubed: proceeds to say this is squared

  16. The shadow: Am I a joke to you?

  17. mob shadows?

  18. Minecraft shadow: am I a joke to you?

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