Half-Life 2: Episode 3’s Story Released By Marc Laidlaw

Corrected Post (Backup of the Post) :
Original Post : http://www.marclaidlaw.com/epistle-3/

Today on Valve News Network, we take a look at the released story for what could have been Half-Life 2: Episode 3 released by Marc Laidlaw, Half-Life’s lead writer.


  1. I wonder how Valve will respond to this.

  2. Top 10 anime comebacks

  3. Just read the story, I don’t know how to feel. This is the end of a time, of a legend, of our childhood, of our dream. Such a bittersweet 10 years. What an epic conclusion. Good bye, Freeman. Good bye, Half Life.

  4. You know what Valve could’ve done? Ricochet 2. There would at least be SOME people who would like that. No one cares about a stupid card game.

  5. Dinglyberry and Angry Enclave Soldier

    Fucking Gabe, greedy little fat fuck threw away everything just for money

  6. Somehow I feel as though a few years now, increasing numbers of people (mostly HL fans) will start boycotting Steam in demand that Valve release Half Life 3. Valve, seeing their userbase rapidly diminishing, panics and hastily crafts Half Life 3 using the primitive Source engine, then ships the game unfinished with bugs. Disgusted with the final product, there is a mass exodus of users from Steam to other game providers; Steam becomes all but abandoned, and Valve, struggling to make end’s meet, throws in the white towel and files for bankruptcy.

    Half life 3, the most hyped thing to ever hit gaming, ultimately ruins the company that made the series, and goes down as one of the most tragic tales in gaming history.

  7. Its sad that we are going to have to rely on the community to get HL3….

    Why valve? why….

    6 years ago you were awesome, 10 years ago you were legendary.

    And now you’re making a shitty card game…

  8. Okay, so… I’m planning to make a Half life mod of this story, but I need help because I’m newbie at programming, and I love creating levels in the source engine. Would somebody help? P.M me if you will
    Thanks and LONG LIFE TO EPISODE 3

  9. I have the overwhelming urge to hug my buddy Rob, whom cosplays as Gordon (and met at a convention). He and I are such big fans of the Half-Life series, and I know that he’ll be devastated upon hearing this.

  10. This, this is how it happened. This is how valve died.

  11. I don’t even want Half Life 3 anymore.

    Valve is dead to me.

  12. I’m… I’m not sure what to think. Overall it seems like it would have been awesome. But it is an ending that gives a sense of… futility. Maybe that was the point, but unless it was executed very well it would probably have been incredibly unsatisfying. Horror is one thing, but the last thing you’d want to do is make it come off like a shaggy dog story where ultimately nothing is accomplished but mildly annoying the Combine forces on Earth and just being an infinitecimal speck to the rest of them. Even if defeating the Combine as a whole would be a totally futile effort, at least somehow managing to bar them from Earth ENTIRELY would at least make the player feel as though they accomplished SOMETHING.

    Although his wording with “I may have done something..” as well as the comflict between Alyx and Mossman… maybe multiple endings and choices were planned? Multiple endings would be fantastic honestly.

    Totally ok with nothing being explained about the G-Man ambiguity is the name of the game for his character. I don’t think we should know everything for certain about him. Plus it definitely ends with the notion that Half Life as a series would not be over, only Freeman’s story.

  13. Patrick Bastos de Morais

    Remember folks. GOG and Nuuvem is where you buy your games.

  14. Now…was it that hard valve? the story is right there, nice and short…would it have been that hard to turn this into a game?

  15. You also need to keep in mind that Laidlaw released this on the 21st anniversary of Valve’s founding, August 24, 1996. This was a direct jab in the gut, also likely due to his NDA ending.

  16. There’s a team over at /r/DreamsOfHalflife3 being assembled to make a group similar to the crowbar collective to develop a new half-life fan made game based on Mark’s story using the Unreal Engine.

    is it just me or at the end Gordon could be at the same place as Chell at the end of Portal 2? I mean, it’s a calm place in a distant future that no one can tell if human kind has defeated the Combine. I would love to see those 2 meeting, but I kinda understand that both of their stories might has reached its end.

  18. Hans Peter Schwanzlutscher

    I… hurt myself today…

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