Google Stadia R.I.P And L.O.L (The Jimquisition)

Google Stadia is finally dead. I mean, it’s been dead from the start, but Google finally did what Google does best, and put a bullet in the brain of another terminal failure. LOL!

#GoogleStadia #Google #Streaming #Games #Gaming #Videogames #JamesStephanieSterling #JimSterling #Jimquisition #PC #Failure


  1. Google still needs to pay for killing their RSS reader

  2. Sorry Sterling, the curiosity of what your dad said does not outweigh the disgust from looking at you
    Keep trying
    I’ll tell you when you found something that worked

  3. Thinking about what Stadia would go down as in history made me think of the Ouya. So yeah, it will go down in history as a Wikipedia page.

  4. Google Stadia failed because the internet sucks too much ass to stream games on on 99% of the planet.

  5. This episode wasn’t political enough. Please be more political. Thank you.

  6. Yet another indelible mark left on the industry by the genius Phil Harrison. This guy is unrivaled in his ability to thoroughly destroy entire brands!

  7. A Piece of Cheese on a Moonlit Night

    My heart goes out to the developers.
    Some people did development of stadia as their job for YEARS.
    Long hours, overtime, their entire profession for years probably even before launch.
    And the people in charge can’t even manage it half competently and so it all goes down the drain.

  8. Idiots with money

  9. Giving someone a “Kiss like Judas” is pretty common, if you see someone particulary slithery hand out praise to something or someone you should be ready for their axeing or downfall soon afterwards.

  10. It’s a real shame, because having tried a few different streaming services, Stadia was by far the best on a technical level. Absolutely sunk by hubris and mismanagement.

    If they’d gone with a game pass model, or partnered with Steam to use that library, it could have been a huge success.

    The treatment of employees and partners is appalling, but on a consumer level there are some wins here. The precedent set with full refunds is really important.

    Personally, I ended up with some free Chromecast ultras and controllers, so that’s nice. They’re surprisingly excellent controllers for PC gaming.

  11. What? The thing everyone said would be yet another short-term way of fleecing customers before running for the hills has now admitted that they have fleeced their customers and are preparing to run for the hills? No!

  12. All I know is, the first thing I did after paying $12 to remove any cap was to download at least 5 TB a month. Just out of principle.

  13. Are you going to talk about Activision/Blizzard forcing gamers to provide phone numbers and be spied on just to play Overwatch 2 (and getting rid of the original completely) at all? You know, something that actually matters and is anti-consumer rather than a service that no one except a handful of idiots who didn’t get long ago that Google was one of (if not the most) evil company in the world, game streaming is pretty much a scam, and buying everything digitally is a surrender of one’s property rights ever bothered with? No? Just going for useless clickbait? Figured.

  14. Ya, I wrote it off the moment it hit. Hell I got lucky with a promo and got mine free! So a nice Chromecast Ultra became mine at no cost. The controller does not even properly support bluetooth so you can’t use it for anything else like your Steam Link. Well at least the last time I checked. Nobody trusted Google to support it and rightly so. Now the hardware it used like the controller is worthless even for your PC.

  15. I knew Stadia was going to fail the moment I saw Phil Harrison’s name next to it.

  16. Your videos always make me smile, but the tv license dig made me grin 🙂

  17. Oh Phil Harrison, that’s the dude that said Single-Player games were dead (and since he was in charge of games at Sony, he probably killed the PS3 exclusives of 8 Days and The Getaway, since those were SP games. Thanks a lot). Then he hopped over to Atari and….well, what was the last Atari game you played, good job there Phil. Then he did something at Microsoft, no idea what (probably killing more single-player games) before finally going to Stadia. I’m not sure how he keeps finding work. After being dead wrong on Single-Player games, the guy has done nothing but fail, yet he keeps getting hired in higher and higher positions. I guess with a track record like that, it’s no surprise he tries to fail as much as possible. The more he does it, the more compensation he gets. With him being VP at Google right now, he’ll probably be president of something next.

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