Gmod Scary Map (not really) – We Can’t Escape The Backrooms!

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  1. I started watching this channel around 7 years ago. I wouldn’t change a thing. VanossGaming is what got me through the tough years. I hope we still got another 7 to look forward to.

  2. Evan keeping it real man

  3. Classic imposter syndrome. People are going to watch and love the show partly *because* of your involvement. Just like with Paranormal Action Squad, it was the only reason people even considered YouTube Red.

  4. i like how none mentions the fact delirious hasn’t changed his outfit in gta since the game released hahahahahaha

  5. Its funny how evan is so tramatized from the other backrooms game that he immediately freaked out when the smiler appeared

  6. The beginning just sounds like when I try to play DND with my group. Also love you videos Vanoss

  7. Thank you very much Evan for always being honest and very open with us. Just know that there has been nothing to make us irritated or annoyed with the things you have done. Just keep being you with whatever project that may be. And ill always enjoy it.

  8. The birthday jump scare was that Plank form Ed, Edd, and Eddie?

  9. 13:11 had me rolling

  10. You juggle alot in your life, you’re doing good Evan

  11. Video actually starts at 5:28

  12. 31st oct boys
    mark your nogla calenders

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