Gmod Scary Map – A Very Political Podcast In Russia!

Friends in Video:

Nogla – @DaithiDeNogla
Terroriser – @Terroriser
Lui Calibre – @KingLuiCalibre

Please Ignore or flag spam, negative, or hateful comments. We’re here to have a good time. Thanks everyone, and enjoy :]


  1. Nogla really wants to say the n word is all I got from this video

  2. Evan! Podcast… please

  3. even photo shop skills must be very good to convince luie brian and nogla to join XD

  4. Vladimir Vanos; Nikolay Nogla; Ivan The Terroriser; Lui Calibrovich;

  5. i honestly believe nogla is correct

  6. My attempt for a new swearword for white people, esp. supremacists:
    1. Based off the Spanish word for “white”
    2. Reflects most white supremacists’ intents to censor/remove minority culture and history

  7. Looking at zoiberg’s goofy face made this conversation way more funny

  8. Jeezus, like one word is banned becouse it is derogatory….come to Poland we can insult you in way more ways. Yet mericans are mad about this xD west is melting faster then ice bergs

  9. peacefully drifting to sleep while nogla reveals his diabolical plan to get white people to say nigga

  10. Imagine the crew does a podcast all about racism

  11. Didn’t know Nogla knew the word “ceau”,which means bye in Romanian

  12. They’re all uncancelable, they just dont give af and its amazing, literally debating on Is it ok to say N word lmao

  13. I just realized that Vanoss was by the Change language and the bottom was English 😂

  14. I was listening and slowly drifted my focus to something for not even 2 minutes and It went from being able to say the N word one day to having male parts as hands 😂

  15. 9 years later, they’re still charismatic and funny💜

  16. as a white person, thank you.

  17. Scary map hasn’t even started yet and I still enjoy their random bullshit. This what makes them great, like how they just messing around and stuff. 😂😂😂


  19. I wish moon was in the beginning

  20. 28:37 Plum Pudding

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