Girl cheats on stream


  1. Meanstreak csgozhit

    “load profile1.conf” hahaha! Hmm, must’ve been the hand of God loading it…. ;D I take it she already got loads of reports but what’s her steamid/profile?

  2. Marco Mustermann

    LOL 2:15 gets caught, uses the dumbest excuse i’ve ever heard to try to get out of the hole she dug herself into smh

  3. LOL she’s playing with esp on wtf

  4. 2017 half way done and valve can’t create anything to detect these cheats? I refuse to play this game. Look how easy it was for her to use this with NO ban. Jfc

  5. Arvid Ingemarsson


  6. and the oscar goes to

  7. *click on the aimbot to come up on screen* *drags it to the centre of her screen* *click tab* *click load config* *minimizes the program*……………..OMG WTF is this, wtf what is this, what???!?!?!

  8. Damn it Clara, stop going around installing hacks in people computers.
    If you keep doing so, they might realize about it when told in chat, not when seeing red model skeletons through walls!

  9. dies with cheats on LUL

  10. Cletus Bojangles

    cheating and still sucks

  11. Sum Ting Wong
    I Use Hack
    Twitch Now See
    Clara Die Now

  12. Top Stream Fails

    can i use this on my channel? i will give you credit


  14. hopefully Clara gets banned, installing cheats on your friend’s PC is not cool.

  15. **disables patchguard**
    >opens cheat loader before steam
    >injects into game
    >uses cheat menu
    >loads cheat config
    >proceeds to play the game as normal with visuals on
    >only realize it when someone points it out
    fucking clara

  16. I’ve never played this before, what am I looking at?
    When she flips out, I can’t notice anything different on screen?
    What happened?

  17. Encore1234567890

    People pay good money for these games and you get fuckers like this who go out of their way to ruin their games….i hope her account has been banned for good, fucking massive asshole.

    Everytime you come across a cheater report them, at some point they will get their account banned, just enjoy that fact.

  18. I completely understand her situation. I mean, don’t we all have a friend who randomly installs hacks on our pc???

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