Ghost Recon Breakpoint Is Ubisoft’s Low-Key Live Service Disaster

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a bad, bad game. Ubisoft was planning to make it better by February, but with only days before the month is over, its promised “immersive” update hasn’t materialized.

At almost the last minute, Ubisoft revealed the update will take longer. Hardly surprising, considering Ubi tried to do in a few months what has taken other companies well over a year. This isn’t just a performance patch – these large scale overhauls take time and resources – which might well be a poor investment if the game hasn’t even sold well.

Which Breakpoint hasn’t. The game was a critical flop and a commercial failure, but Ubi is persisting. It joins BioWare and Bethesda, who are persisting with their own disasters in Anthem and Fallout 76.

It seems every “AAA” company out there has to have its own live service disaster. Ubisoft’s is Breakpoint.

#GhostRecon #GhostReconBreakpoint #TomClancy #Ubisoft #LiveServices #Microtransactions #Megapatch #Anthem #Fallout76 #NoMansSky #Immersive #XboxOne #PS4 #PC


  1. I will genuinely cry if watch dogs: legion is another live service diaster.

  2. So what you’re saying is, it’s a Ubisoft game.

  3. Love me a good Sterling rant.

  4. It’s only “low-key” relative to spectacular failures like Anthem and Fallout 76.

  5. CMDR captain smokeq

    all this live service stuff, can’t find much positive about it

  6. AAA release means E*A*rly *A*ccess *A*lpha release.

  7. “I’m worried that this is starting to become a bit of a trend for the game industry; this idea that you can launch a game in any state you want and then promise some big update that will completely change the way the game works.”

    Starting to become? I feel like it already has, Jim.

  8. Hey Jim, can we talk about how people are practically begging Ubisoft to give GR breakpoint offline support? They held a survey where 30% of voters wanted offline support. Which doesn’t sound like much but it was one of the highest voted single topic. Ubisoft posted the results and not only refused to mention “offline support” but claimed they needed “more research” on the subject. That to me sounds like corporate talk for “We really don’t want to fucking do that, because then you can play whenever youd want to and we can’t monetize that”

    Don’t know why anyone isn’t talking about it really.

  9. Could you imagine the state of MMOs as a genre back when they were new if they released with nothing but promising content a year or more later?

  10. Ubisoft just needs to go back to the drawing board with their IPs, none of this open world shit and give us a proper Ghost Recon and, if I may be so bold, bring Rainbow Six: Patriots back from the dead. Wishful thinking, I know.

  11. RPG enemy health bars shouldn’t belong in a tactical shooter. This is why I didn’t buy the game

  12. DamnUsernameTakenFU

    Ubisoft: Here is our roadmap of this game.
    Also Ubisoft: The roadmap, we’re not doing that anymore.

  13. Road maps and “plans for future updates” have really become a joke marketing tool. Just something to say to get more people to stick with a game for just a little bit longer with zero repercussions if they don’t come true. I still drawn back to Mass Effect Andromedia every time these come up.

    Game was horribly broken at launch, they promised to fix the issues. Waffled about with vague road maps of progress for about 2 months and then gave up. That two months of vague promises however let them get more sales in and keep more people in the game long enough to prevent their chances at a refund.

  14. You know Jim, thanks to you I’ve stop paying these micro-transactions, I’d wish i had seen your work earlier because it would have saved me a lot of money but you’ve helped me to understand their practices better, and for that I thank God for you….

  15. I honestly forgot this game existed which I think speaks for itself, even as a live service flop.

  16. Remember Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter? It wasn’t the most refined or original game, but it was absolutely brilliant.

    Those were the days.

  17. “The Moon on a Stick” wow i havent heard that since Richard Herring back in the 90s
    Fond memories

    Nice one Jim Sterling egg! Starling! Starling EGG. EGG

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