GameStop Plans To Reopen Stores And Kill People

No point being subtle about this one. GameStop plans to contribute to the spread of a lethal virus. That makes GameStop a killer in my book.

GameStop couldn’t keep its doors even half-closed for a month before announcing plans to go back on its decision the MOMENT a state governor foolishly reopens a region.

The company is rolling out store openings in South Carolina and Georgia, despite all credible medical advisers warning that this will make things worse. It’s doing the same in Germany, Austria, and Italy. The company can go to Hell.

#GameStop #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Retail #Capitalism #Money #Pandemic #Corporation #Greed #GeorgeSherman #Georgia #SouthCarolina #BrianKemp #DanPatrick #TuckerCarlson #Videogames #Games #Gaming


  1. God these people they literally think more of money than human life.

  2. As someone who lives in georgia, I’d like to say if I ever see governor kemp on the street Im kicking his ass

  3. Well this isn’t concerning at all. It’s not like I happen to live in Texas and, also, just so *happen* to have 2 elderly people in my house and my sister, who has asthma and also 3 kids. Nope, no concern here or anxiety whatsoever…

  4. ‘When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another, such injury that death results, we call that deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call this deed murder. But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or the bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live – forces them … to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence – knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual …’

    Friedrich Engles (1845) The Conditions of the Working Class in England

  5. Cataclysmic Dildoser

    “Don’t be sad, dear costumer, that you might die, only be sad that, while shopping here, you can die only once, so you can’t shop twice!”
    – The GameStop Emperor that does NOT protect

  6. “There are more important things than living” is probably the most repulsive thing I’ve ever heard.

  7. MarshmallowRampage

    “Saving this country for my children and grandchildren!” *allows dumpage of toxic chemicals that never break down into water sources*

  8. Wow, Dan is literally a living embodiment of that “some of you will die but that is a sacrifice I’m willing to make” meme.

  9. “There are more important things than living” He does know that dead people don’t buy stuff, right?

  10. I could realistically see American politicians dropping a plate on their citizens to save money like Shinra did in FFVII.

  11. One the best things about Jim not using ad revenue is him not having to dance around words like “COVID-19” and “Coronavirus.”

    Come to think of it, I wonder if this could be the new copyright deadlock. Mention Coronavirus in every video, so greedy companies can’t profit off of them.

  12. Same folks that are willing to send others children to fight in Iraq & Afghanistan, yet find ways to keep themselves and their families out of it. Patrick, the governor of my state is “willing to die” for the economy in the the same way he’s willing to die for…what are we trying to accomplish in Afghanistan now?

  13. I understand why people refer to this kind of stuff as a “death cult”.

  14. “We need to take some risks! And by ‘we’ I mean you. You need to take some risks. I’ll be watching from my ivory tower as the poor people I have weaponized die killing other poor people who are just trying to do their jobs, but rest assured, I will be there with you in spirit.”

  15. “There are more important things than living” Easy to say when it’s everyone else’s life at stake. Absolutely monstrous.

  16. The demand that regular people be willing to die for the regime is a feature of fascism.

  17. I have never seen a naked mexican

    I remember when the debate for single payer healthcare kicked off in America back in 2009-2010. People were protesting in the streets because of the fallacy that the healthcare system being proposed would include death panels. A lot of the people proposing reopening the country and killing people, needlessly, are the same people claiming to be pro-life. This country is full of cunts.

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