Final Fantasy VII Rebirth And The Rehabilitation Of Cait Sith (The Jimquisition)

#FinalFantasy #FinalFantasy7rebirth #SquareEnix #FinalFantasy7 #CaitSith #JimSterling #Jimquisition #StephanieSterling #Videogames #Games #RPG #PS5


  1. Is it really ruining it if they still make it brilliant XD

  2. 6:36
    “…had a popular series character decline to have a cutscene with me because he was, in his words: “on the privy,” …”

    Wait, I missed something important?!?!?! O.O;;;; This game is dense.

    You’re right, though: I’m only 60 hours into the game, and I can’t tell if what I’m seeing is a spoiler or not, because aside from the ending so far? I’m not sure if I can *care* beyond “It’s a spoiler” because… dang. o.o This game feels so classical Final Fantasy in how absurd it is.

    Spend Junon to Costa Del Sol following Middle Manager’s journey, only to actually find a disgruntled Shinra furry as a random party member with no fanfare is… so Final Fantasy. And so Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I can’t stop saying words please help–

    Right! Thank God for Stephanie Sterling!

  3. @bleakautomaton4808

    Chocobo hats?! Neon colors?! Trippy fun nonsense?! YES PLEASE!

  4. Edward James Olmost is a show I’d unashamedly watch

  5. nice to see steph doing a positive video.

  6. 7:15 Someone for the love of god source me where this pole dance scene is from. Thank you.

  7. @stuartmorgan3654

    The rarest of gems a positive Jimquisition. Feeding the algorithm with a comment to boost this one.

  8. I love how you address your own idiosyncracy with the plushness of the Moogle. Keep troopin’ on Steph! ❤

  9. Ok I’m fully convinced I must play this game 😮

  10. I was not expecting a Candice Debebe reference here in 2024. Yet here it is. Does this mean she will soon re-emerge from the depths for another baffling and horrifying game?!

  11. That looks like a GLORIOUS 7/10!!!!

  12. cloud strife on a segway my beloved

  13. People talk a lot about Comic Sans and Papyrus (and the hate for Papyrus is deserved), but there’s a font that really devastates me every time I see it: Amatic SC. It’s got that “Rae Dunn Home Goods Wine Mom” look that, every time I see it, makes me want to live laugh leave the premises. Even in its design use, it’s bad – The font is too narrow and thin for spacing to look right unless you bold it, but the bold might as well be a Regular. It was once used for a professional project I worked on, and it was one of my biggest regrets of the whole thing.

    In truth, I’m not a font stickler anymore. But when I see Amatic SC, it deals psychic damage.

  14. Its the video game equivalent of 40-page twitter drama thread that you only realize is REALLY GOOD satire when you get to the end. Like it feels like a surreal disaster until your realize its all been carefully crafted to garner that exact reaction

  15. I didn’t know I needed scottish cait sith. But I know now.

  16. To me, Cait Sith’s design in Rebirth/Remake really makes me think of Kingdom Hearts. Which, all things considered, makes a lot of sense.

    Also, I’m not gonna say that Squenix should make every game like FF7R, but they should certainly lean more toward this joyous extravagance instead of indulging their more meth-head tendencies. Even Brendaniel’s estranged father would think that Squenix should cut down on the meth.

  17. I dunno what’s weirder, you remembering your Lara Croft hair comment or me having seen that video literally two days ago.

  18. @AggressivePeanut

    My only criticism is the visual nightmare that is the Moogles in the remake.

  19. 13:01 Oh my god, Candice DeBébé.
    How long has it been…

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